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1 of the TE that my son is growing is showing visible trichomes down the fan leaves, while still in veg. I'm thinking this might be an indication of things to come.
While I can see interest in the subject, I can see some may not see it that way. And it might be inconsiderate of others to continue.

Maybe out in the PRK or the rest of MP, but not in Curmudgeonland. We all grew up with firearms as part of our culture, and I'd venture to say 99% of us still enjoy shooting or hunting. I remember wiling away many hours in an old abandon farmer's field with a couple of joints, a brick of long rifles, and a can of Coke. Good, clean fun. Alcohol and guns? No way.

As long as it's not against MP's TOU, I think everything is fair game in the Old Fart's Club. I also don't think the Old Farts give a damn about political correctness.:)
If I'm wrong, I'm sure I'll hear about it quickly.
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I vote with the Hippie on guns !-- it would be great if we lived in a fairy tale world where all was peace and love ! I was there for the aftermath of Katrina - in a disaster some people revert to animal behavior !- The strong taking from the weak who couldn't defend themselves ! The crop we grow is valuable - there may come a time when U have to defend what is yours ! Any pot pharmer should have tools needed pharm-- one of those tools just happens to be a gun ! No one should have a guns that is not profiecent with firearms !-- I know if someone decided to just come take my weed and anything else of value they fancied ! They picked the wrong house !- the dogs job is to wake me if I'm sleeping ! I am proficient with firearms ! And smoking weed !
I`m too old to be politically correct, even if I cared about it, which I don`t. Always thought that plinking with a .22 for hours was part of growing up and staying outta trouble. Helped me I know that.
Politically Correct -- musta missed that class !-- Is growing weed P.C. ? I will speak my mind even tbough I know others may not like it ! squirrel hunting when I was growing up meant a head shot -- catch Hell for tearing up the meat ! At the time I didn't know it was illegal to hunt duck when they still on the water !-- I could ease Down thru the cattails and fill my limit quickly ! Nothing but head shots ! Like it or night guns and growing are a common thing !
I`m too old to be politically correct, even if I cared about it, which I don`t. Always thought that plinking with a .22 for hours was part of growing up and staying outta trouble. Helped me I know that.


well said keef. We do not own guns to be aggressive, we own them to protect our family if disasters happen.

good morning OFC
Morning people looks like I get to grow that buckeye purps, got beans yesterday.

Lights, film and the biggest can filter came in yesterday. Girls will finally go on 12/12 some got 8-10 weeks veg, yikes

Sunny and nice this week again
Morning OFC. TGIF. Need to transplant this weekend.
Every day is a Friday when you've been put out to pasture! Beat you to the transplanting, too. The four Afghanis are out of vermiculate and into four inch net pots with rocks as of half an hour ago.

One of 'em is picture perfect beautiful, one is big but a bit mutant looking, one is flat out mutant looking, and the one that was late to the party looks weird, but had the longest root system going.

I keep looking at this twenty site tank with four itty-bitty babies in it. Really tempted to pop at least five more.......

Keef, head shots on squirrels would get you a fanny chewing if old Redskin was still around. He loved to scramble up squirrel brains with his eggs in the morning. Yuck! Ever bark one?
Good Fryday morning to the OFC. I be late to the wake and bake, (only late cause I did not come here), but baked. Session #2 is in order. Afterwards I gotta try to get my heater fixed in my grow room. So far no luck.
Morning OFC running around this am, will pop in tonight to smoke and joke. Hope everyone has a glorious day.
Good morning boys, love the pup up there. Cutey pie. Making more butter as i type... yum...Have a great day you OFC's!
News flash! ABC TV10-Retired firefighter burns down garage with defective space heater. Film at eleven........:)

Is that what all the excitement was about out there ? Must`ve been when I went out to help the propane truck driver get his truck unstuck in my driveway approach. Rookie driver, never been here before. He tried backing down the driveway and slid off the hard packed, frozen part and stuck it. Told him that there`s plenty of room to turn around up by the garage. Driveway is about 350 foot long. Expensive winter heating this season. Might have to break down and buy a new one. (heater)
Morning O.F.C. - That pic is my boy Jake-- got his doggles on -- got my male T.E. and his ladies set up yesterday !-- if something goes wrong -- my fault --your fault or nobody's fault -- I'm gonna have A LOT of seed !
Every day is a Friday when you've been put out to pasture! Beat you to the transplanting, too. The four Afghanis are out of vermiculate and into four inch net pots with rocks as of half an hour ago.

One of 'em is picture perfect beautiful, one is big but a bit mutant looking, one is flat out mutant looking, and the one that was late to the party looks weird, but had the longest root system going.

I keep looking at this twenty site tank with four itty-bitty babies in it. Really tempted to pop at least five more.......

Keef, head shots on squirrels would get you a fanny chewing if old Redskin was still around. He loved to scramble up squirrel brains with his eggs in the morning. Yuck! Ever bark one?
My son tells me I am the king of mutants. I popped a couple dozen seeds and a bunch were all twisted up and deformed leaves. I popped some trainwreck beans and they should all be sativas, but there is no way these are sativa dominant. I should post up some more pix, I guess. I'll get to it later, light are off right now.
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