Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Save your money and buy one of those new fangled vaporizers. More fun and a lot more friendly!

Better idea guys, but let`s do the morning ritual. Coffee in one hand and a bowl in the other hand and we got a session of "wake and bake" going on. Join in peeps.
Ummm, Sour OG to get the day started. Everythings covered in snow this morning Should be the last of it here in Dallas for the yr,,,,I HOPE. LOL
Bongs this morning, no guns. :48:
For years on the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend a good friend of mine and his family had a shooting contest. The "goose shoot" consisted of 3 shoots at 125 yards. Stand up, shoulder your rifle and shoot. No rest, no wrapping the sling around your fore arm, just stand and shoot. The shooting was an all day affair. A pot of venison stew was on the fire. Up here in the great white northern deer woods, a 100 yard shot is about as long as it gets cause of all the trees. Last spring, I broke down and put scopes on my muzzle loader and my favorite deer rifle, my Ruger 44 magnum carbine. The old eyes ain`t what they used to be.
morning yooper, weedhopper and the rest of the ofc. bowl in hand and coffee brewing. right now i have rain, but where the shop is is sleet and freezing rain. it is heading my way too. so i'm just setting here waiting to see it we are gonna try to work or not.
For years on the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend a good friend of mine and his family had a shooting contest. The "goose shoot" consisted of 3 shoots at 125 yards. Stand up, shoulder your rifle and shoot. No rest, no wrapping the sling around your fore arm, just stand and shoot. The shooting was an all day affair. A pot of venison stew was on the fire. Up here in the great white northern deer woods, a 100 yard shot is about as long as it gets cause of all the trees. Last spring, I broke down and put scopes on my muzzle loader and my favorite deer rifle, my Ruger 44 magnum carbine. The old eyes ain`t what they used to be.

my family did things like that when my brothers and myself were growing up. now we just talk on the phone once in a blue moon. i know what your saying on the old eyes, mine give me hell, can't read with glasses on starting to get to where i can't read with them off either. already wanting to put me in bifocals, but i said hell no.
There is a time and place for guns,,,and this aint it, its early and im still in my underware.
I`m past the bifocal stage. Can`t read with `em on, can`t read with `em off. Gotta look around the double vision and do the best I can.

Sour OG to start the morning huh ? Don`t think that I`ve ever tried that strain. I just did some Ghost Train Haze. Nice sativa buzz, gotta go to the doctor at 11, so no couch lock. Guns ? Us old farts need something to talk about. Underwear ? Me too.
Wow! Really? I know there's people out there that can, and I've met many that claimed they could, at least until they got to the range.:)

Hippie - been a long time but if ya give me a month to put rounds down range and get the dope right on the rifle, the rest is just proper bone support and natural point of aim and a bit of SWAG (scientific wild *** guess). Long shots like that are not difficult if you know the weapon, the round and what conditions your shooting into, elevation of the sun, time of day, cross breeze, angle of attack, temperature....it takes alot of practice to be good and to find the right firing solution. Today I would say I could probably make a good shot @ 400-500m mark.....but give me a month, sorta like riding a bike :)

Awake, bowl in hand, coffee brewing....morning OFC. Agreed, enough talking shop....talked more about it than I had planed. :)

yooper ,I also have a 44 mag carbine.....love it. only gun I need. wake and bake all 2 feet of snow in Kentucky . glad I 'm not heading home right now 65 a parking lot.
Morning O.F.C. !-- had to hold off on the Wake and Bake cause they delivered RWS New fridge !-- They gone and I'm burning !-- I will be in hot water for awhile !-- apparently U ain't supposed to stab a fridge !-- Yes I stabbed that beech !-- first time I ever got in a knife fight with a fridge ! Good thing they took it away cause I was about to open up on it with that 12 gauge ! I can only take so much then I get a gun !
Morning, Old Farts. When I was a kid working at Super City, I sold the crap out of those Ruger 44s. Probably one of the best brush guns for Michigan hunting.

My old eyeballs aren't what they used to be, either. I remember when mom caught me whacking off and told me I'd go blind, I told her I'd quit when I needed glasses. Well, I've been wearing glasses since I was 16, and every time I go back to the doctor, he kicks up the magnification a bit.......

Never have been the best shot in the world, but I did take pride with the fact that if I could see it, I could hit it. At a thousand meters, it would have to be a blue whale, painted in neon colors. Road flares on either end would help, too.
Had to crawl out early today to check a friend's grow before the lights turned off. It's ready to hack. Leaves looked kinda funny, and when I grabbed the tip of a sugar leave to pull the bud closer to my loupe, it crumbled into dust! Damn fool did the same thing last grow, running the dehumidifier on high and drying everything up. Making mistakes is just part of being human, but consistently making the same mistakes every time is harboring on insanity.

Love the guy to death, but he's living proof that any idiot can grow weed!:) He sure comes in handy when one of my computers fries, though.:)
Drinking up to five cups of coffee a day could help prevent heart disease, new research has found.

A team of experts studied a group of more than 25,000 Korean men and women with an average age of 41.

They had no previous signs of heart disease.

Their coffee consumption was listed as none, less than one cup a day, one to three cups a day, three to five cups a day and five or more every day.

The researchers discovered those who drank between three and five cups were less likely to show signs of heart disease.

Wait long enough and "they" will be telling us "wake-n-bake" is good for you!
Awesome... on the coffee Joe.. Thanks!! I will start having three double shots of espresso now. I have stupid high cholesterol and wont take the statins.. so i will just up my coffee. LOVE Coffee.

I made some butter this week. tastes like heave...salted caramel goodness. use good butter, 30 grams of shake/bud, and yum.

Have a great day all you guys, I have been reading but didn't have anything to add about guns.

Bozzo, that is the size of my cup of coffee, how did you know?
Morning OFC, coffee in hand. Decided to change up what I am smoking. Today some clusterfunk. I have to work, so no couch lock for me. I can see bringing up guns was a hot topic. My bad. While there may be interest here, this is not the right forum about that. So I wont bring it up again.
Rose, I know that. But I felt I started something that I should not have done. My own self imposed censorship is kicking in. While I can see interest in the subject, I can see some may not see it that way. And it might be inconsiderate of others to continue.
Mane I gotta get this T.E. male out the grow room !-- He's 2-3 days away from openning flowers ! He's a fine looking young man !-- I'm just gonna put him in a cloner with the choosen girls and let them do the dirty -- probably shake them around some better pollen distribution !- Not gonna have time or space to plant them for awhile - they'll be there when I do !-- I'm liking this RO system ! Went from 230 ppms to 6-- dropped the PH too !-- got clones so I'm gonna let that T.E. lady finish and see what I got !
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