there were a bunch of guys over at firestax growing out his gear. no issues that I know of.
very nice indeed
Work it Bud !-- I get stuck smoking this stuff Umbra bred !-- The White - x- Nepal Indica ( Umbra's White Indica)-- Anyway it got this stuff all over it !-- Wasn't trimmed !-- I forgot ! -- Smokes nice and mild with a hint of a peppery finish but with a little hint pine ? - mint ?
Hey Umbra is it GDP-x- BPU or the other way round ? - Since I got a girl now I thought I better find out her proper name !-- Still got 2 The White -x- Black Rose to sex !-- and one Riot Berry -x- BPU ? -- Plus a couple BPU-X-GDP (?)
Trying this knew variety I just got dried from 1st run !-- I forget what it's called but it's Purple and it's a Haze !-- Keef got a fine buzz working but he still no move good !