HI JOE! So very nice to see you this morning. Do you have snow?
Oh dear, don't smoke and walk on rafters Nick, glad you lived to tell us... be careful..
WH, I would love to join you for coffee and some old purple haze i found. My '15 grow was good. lol I am waiting for mr rb to get up and move my LED's for me... my plants are telling me they are tooo close... Maybe i just go turn it off. they are in veg, shouldn't hurt.. The light is just too bright. What time do you have to leave. I am sorry you have to work out of town but glad you have the job.. You are a good husband and grandpa and friend.
Morning Rose,,having coffee with ya Mam.
What up Bud and Lyfespan.
morning kids
Good morning one and all. Guess what? It's raining...again. A bowl and a cup. Simple. Lazy Sunday morning. Garage is overflowing. These golden tickets got a lot bigger from my trimming them back. Probably too many plants at this point, lol.
Bud, sour banana sherbet is by Crockett Family Farm. Attitude seeds.
Watch who you calling old,,,ya young Whiper Snapper. :smoke1:
Morning O.F.C. !-- Made it home last night !-- Plants are good !-- D.D. sleeping in !-- I want to go get my pups but the wind is howling out there and this rental car would blow away !-- It tried to kill me on the whole trip !-- Gonna take days before I can move much again !--
Check on my grow. The T/75 and H/78. I got to invest in a dehumidifier. What will happen with high humidity for a long time does anyone have any idea's?
The plants become more likely to get powder mildew and bud mold.Check on my grow. The T/75 and H/78. I got to invest in a dehumidifier. What will happen with high humidity for a long time does anyone have any idea's?
It is running 78 right now Bud.