I'm smoking from my glass cone pipe. Waiting for the sun to raise. I'm cleaning the silverware draw out. And, I have a window in front of the sink. No, curtain. I can not stand in front of a window in the dark. I can not see what out there, I had to many pee and tom's when I was young. No, Mom or Dad home. Awful ........
Up Date on my grow. Well, I think, I put mj into flowering to soon. And, I know, I over water to much. Thing are not looking so good. H 78, T 79. I do not know how to get the H down. I have posted picture in the past. I just can not seem to post them now. Sorry, if that bother anybody.
I'm seeing lady bugs out in the yard. Going on a hunt later. :joint:
Ness girlfriend ain't no body gonna get thru the pack to hurt U !-- No one is gonna walk up to a house at night with Mastiff -Pit Bulls or any big dog !-- Another thing !-- If U gonna shoot that .45 use both hands !--It's gonna kick like a mule !-- U Think there is a problem outside at night !-- Loose the hounds !
Somebody sneaking around my house at night I want to quietly slip out the back door into the dark with them !-- Let the hunter become the hunted !-- That moment when they realize they are not alone in the dark !-- Priceless !
Ness with those dogs U don't even need a gun !-- They are not gonna let anyone hurt U !-- I got little bitty dogs but they job is just to wake me up and point which way !-- I got 3 --30 round mags for the SKS --If I can't solve the problem with 90 bullets -- I grab the close in gun !-- That pump 12 gauge ain't a hunting gun it shoots 7 times !--I'm after this army gun called a SAW !--I got a nervous trigger when it comes to fully automatic and end up spending all my time reloading! -- SAW got 3 round burst and can use a belt instead of magazines !-- I am proficient with firearms (and explosives ) !-- Everyone knows I'm about a crazy mofo anyway !-- Instead of chopping my house down with gunfire if it's dark they in my element and I'm the hunter !
Lights on !-- I'm sexing something from Umbra called Wonder Berry !-- It's a Plush Berry --Williams Wonder
Cross --Is that right Umbra !-- Check the girls and more coffee and work this pipe!
What up Umbra !--I don't see any hair yet but I think it's a girl !- Started 4 seed and ended up with just the one !-- Soon as I get things straightened out I'm going back into the seed and Trying that Delta Wave again !--Had 1 out of 4 come up then it died !
D.D. and I were counting confirmed girls we got from what varieties and the unsexed seed plants --- We where I wanted to be with most of what I wanted !-- Time to start growing them a little bigger !-- I think I built a pretty firm base to build on with this plant !
I got a dozen girls from a dozen varieties with another half dozen varieties to sex !-- Keef been Berry, Berry busy collecting girls !-- Still looking for a lemon !
I am chatty ain't I Hopper !-- What U got planned today Cuz ?--- Won't no body wake up and come out to play !-- Bunch a Stoners! --
Night before last D.D. was up talking about how high she was !-- She ask me the next day what had she been smoking? -- Taste like B.B. but kicked my *** !-- It was B.B.King that much is true !-- That was the pipe test for the first of my mutants !-- Blow the whistle and let's do this thing !
Umbra and that is a problem ? -- I want a good lemon because I want to do bad stuff and things to it !-- I've done something to the B.B. !-- I don't have to see anything to know !-- Don't even care what it was !
Morning, Wake and Bake. Just got done watching Into the Blue. It was a good movie to watch while stone. Did, some, chair dancing with the music at the end. :dancing:
Morning Bud !-- I thought I had run all the cuts from that Bubblicious -- The mom of that --B.B. -Bubblicious cross U growing -- I still got some !-- All I got left of her are cuts that survived the Zombie Juice !-- Mane I got a 9 pm buzz at 9 am !--