Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Good morning.. Cane, what a treat to see these pic's. I have never been to the north east.. Those are suitable for framing.. Is that a water wheel? I don't know, what is that? The lighthouse pic is awesome. Fun to see that this morning. Is that ole guy cleaning up the beach? How is your trip going?

Keef, i have been here for over 6 years, i don't run. I stand for mp.. since your daddy said you gotta stand for something.

Nes, good morning, i bet they are two different phenos, meaning maybe you have a short and a tall variety.. Pictures would be nice, can we walk you thru it?

Morning Rose ...it is beautiful here in the spring...The ol guy on the beach is me...that is what we do when we go to the beach..we pick up trash...that water wheel is a grist mill it is where they used to grind flour by water power
It is at the Longfellow place in Sudbury. Ma.
....Staying High:48:
Morning O.F.C. !--
Nes plant some more seed if U got them !--- Sometimes instead of trying to nurse a Runt it's best just to plant more !--- The outside grow season goes by so fast seems like !
Hey Rose -- I'm admire your devotion to MP but without the people what is the site ? --- Don't get me wrong MP has been good to me and the O.F.C. but long ,long ,long time ago I discovered that blind faith in anyone or anything can get U killed !--- I try to keep my eyes open !----
Hey Cane looks very calm !---I need me some calm !--- I got all worked up and the body's making me pay for the stress !--- Weather has my face locked up !---I'm a mess !--- Just got to hunker down till it gets better !
Got some seed in a jar needs attention !
Hey I got this mutant GG#4-- I posted a pic of recently !--- The first attempt to clone the anomaly failed !--- I'm gonna have another chance so I'm gonna try to clone it on the vine !--- I'm gonna put a damp bandage around the stem with maybe a little rooting compound !-- Try to get roots before I take the cut !---Think it will work ?----
It could work keef. I've seen people do that with trees. And my dad does similar with blackberry vines.
Cane, that is so cool you do that. I really could frame that pictures.

Yes, i think that will work Keef, we have done roses and other shurbs that way. I think it is called pinning. If you can get a longer branch and have another cup handy, and use a u shaped pin and pin it in the other cup... I would use some rooting compound and keep it moist... I bet you can do it.. I have never done it with pot though.. do it and see.

One last word about mp, there were folks here before i came and their will be folks here after I am gone. This is my home. Nice to see you today. I am sorry you have pain.
I understand Rose !--- It just wasn't like that for me I got blindsided when I got banned for life for making a joke ! --So I never forget this is not a democracy and I can get banned for any reason at anytime with no appeal process !----I am here as long as it's a good place to be but I've been happy here and made lots of friends and yes people do come and go !--- I just hope we can all move forward after that fur ball !---No one came out of that unscathed! --- I apologize to all for my part !-- I'm paying for it in pain !--- I just want to come hang out with my buddies !---
How come I post pics upside down ? -- I'll get D.D. to help learn to do it right !--I promise !-- Anyway We be spreading them out 5 to a box like this !--- Need to put another box together and move some more !-- Plant in left rear if Umbra's BPU-X-B.B crossed on my Widow mom !--Still unsexed !--- If it is a boy I have clones and I may replace my male Trips with it !--Sure hope it is a girl though!
Yehaaaaaaaaaaa, ,,what up Keef,,DD,Rose,Dog and the rest of you Potheads. Weedhopper went to visit his Mom/Mommy today. She is ready to fight. Had to get her riled up,,but she is ready. Now i gotta sneak her oil into her new room. She is so cute when she tells me to sneak her oil in. She aint never been high in her life or in trouble. Thanks Rose. Lol
My man Hopper in da House !-- That does sound funny Hopper !--- My mother could use some cannabis medicine would probably take it but Dad don't play that !--- It's against the law ! ---end of discussion !-- I hope she lives to see the end of prohibition! -- Soon as I can I'll have to get around dad and hook the mom up !--
Hey Cane I sent U a card probably got there the day after U left !--When U get home let me know if it made it !
Headed to fenway park tomorrow for a Red Sox game....
Hopper that is great that your mom is using the oils...My mom 92 and my aunt of 87yr just love the candies that I brought them for sleep......
Yeah my Mom is 78 and a real fighter. She had open heart surgery at 71 and kicked its ***. Now she has Lung Cancer. They caught it early and it hasn't spread yet. So here we go again. Me and my Mom were always close and so everybody always looks to me to keep her going.
Rose by the way,,,is my hero,,,and i love her. Anybody messes with Rose gonna wish they hadn't. I know ppl in Low places. Lol Think thats a song. Yehaaaaaaaaa
U know I was just reading NCH'S post under that tolerance thread talking about the weed world changing !-- I know that's true !--- After the end of prohibition I full expect Big Money to control 90 % of the weed business and all that will be left for the small mom and pop operation is by finding a specialty niche !--- No surprise what specialty niche I'm choosing !--- I'm after a trick pony !--
Big Pharm be all over weed !--- One example is synthetic seed !--- These jokers can take a single leafed and turn it into 50 clones !--- The tiny clones are put in a nutrient gel and encapsulated in a gelatin type protective cover !-- They can plant field of clones just like planting seed !-- With people like NCH bringing the grow talent !--- We gonna all have to step up our grow game !---
Good Morning OFC. Wake and Bake time. Sun is finally shining. Rose, yes, you can walk me through in posting my pictures. I already try coping and paste the picture but it did not work. Wishing everyone a peaceful high day. :bong2:
Morning O.F.C. !--- I'm not in as bad of shape as yesterday! -- Still feel beat up but the intensity is not as bad !
Got to set another box up and hang another light --- Spread them and move 5 to the new box to stay !-- The grow is coming together nicely !--- D.D. got the nutes and beneficial stuff dialed in !--- I don't know what Mico powder and Humbolt Roots is and don't matter long as it works -- she say put it in the box ---I put it in the box !-- Also got some PPP seed that have sprouted and need to go into some dirt !--I need me a straight up indica !
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