good morning ofc. we had to bury my wife's rabbit yesterday. years back, i used to breed rabbits and sell them for pets. our best doe was zoe, she was bought at an auction, certainly on her way to a pot, skillet or oven. she was $7, cost a fraction of the price my breeding buck cost. she was always the best momma, she was only truly happy when she was pregnant or tending a litter. we had her for 7 years, dont know how old she was. i saw her last week at my dads, i knew the time was coming, she felt old and didn't have the spunky way about her, and she wasn't concerned with the clover we brought to her. my wife picked her up yesterday to put her in a clover patch while tending the fruit vines and she felt sores on the rabbits belly. poor girl had an open sore and flies had layed eggs, a final pet and a quick mercy shot.
Here is to Zoe, you had a good run.