I gots a question so don't laugh O.K. ! -- Am I the only one who uses coat hangers for a drying rack ?
Morning Life, our lives seem to echo the same issues. I am fortunate that NCH comes and inspires me. When I'm not sure where I am going, I'm able to see the path he has already cut his way thru. I moved to Cali to grow, but not just a 4x4 tent. I have sacrificed everything else in my life to do this. I have had every issue there is and then some. And when the smoke clears, the grow is trimmed, there is a fat stack of cash on the table in front of me, and someone lights up a joint and tells me its the best weed they have ever smoked...I think...wow I actually did it. There are many in this life who get lost in the grind because they can not see beyond the day to day stuff. What you are doing is important and it really does matter.havent been doing to well here either. short comings and failures have me down on myself, this is making it difficult to see solutions
LOL, of course not. Everybody does.I gots a question so don't laugh O.K. ! -- Am I the only one who uses coat hangers for a drying rack ?
I like hybrids Rose !-- I'm having a little trouble with straight indica and don't got enough room for pure sativa !-- I do like this blueberry girl from Umbra ----- Double check me on the bloodlines Umbra -- It is --BlackBerry Kush -x- Purple Citral -x- Uzbekistan Hash Plant -- Crossed with Blueberry Blast ? -- I got a breeding pair !--- She stays !-- I got high hopes for my single Rose's Purple Haze -- Supposed to be like blueberry lemonade !-- I have no idea how I ended with lots of blueberry it just happened !--- I bred my Blueberry boy Trips to the T.E. and my Widow !--
That seems to be what sells. Very little pure indicas or pure sativas.I have a cut from back east, I think of a blue dream... It has very sativa leaves.. This was described as sativa dom...not to me.. I have heard of the dj short.. I will have to find out what my cut is as I will let it get amber if it is like i tried... This that i tasted this morning is why i don't like hybrids.. either up or down, not both.. Most folks like hybrids right?
I am really looking for something to take back east, so that I can try to get my sisters to try it..one of them has full blown M.S.the other one has a mitochondrial disorder that they can not figureout....she recently has been having seizures,loosing muscle control...just don't know what to try...Don't think that they would want anything that made you high....although they are on all kinds of pharmaceutical drugs????