Heads up ! Tonight on CNN at 8 central time 2 weed shows back to back !
Umbra.... I have a question for you. I have been looking into mold prevention ,and you told me what you use. Lactic acid bacteria. or lacto bacillus. while looking it up I ran across Bacillus Subtillis. It is what Serenade is. I find a lot on the latter. but not so much on lactic acid as a soil amendment and foliar spray for mold. my questions are
1. are they similar in their affects.
2 why use lactic acid bacteria instead of bacillus Subtillis?
3. could I use both as a cocktail?
4. would they grow together?
serenade is pretty cheep. 20 dollars makes 8 gallons. could I just pour some serenade into the vat of lacto bacteria and let it brew.?
Just wondering why so much is written about the one and not much about the other.
I will be using one ,both, or a cocktail next year for sure.
There are quite a few that are good, everybody's preference is a little different so with that in mind...While we got Umbra cornered !-- Cuz U said the peeps in Cali was liking their Kush !-- if they want it there they'll want it here !-- what flavor do U suggest as a good starting point ?