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Giggy I hope U try a Rotation and it works as well for U as it works for me!-- U need a veg area and one for bloom !--move some plants to bloom once a month !- since my widow finishes in 60 days having 4 boxes means I can move plants to bloom -- then after 2 months when I move plants to bloom I put them in the box that is being harvesting !-- 2 weeks later I do it again !
A rotation of sorts is where it all begins -- it will evolve with time !-- I know that the clones I take will be harvested 3 months later ! I was gonna go with hydro when I move to a production grow but after Hippie's problem with. Separate res . Convinced me to stay aero !-- one box one pump one light ! Plan on stacking second unit on a shelf dividing the ceiling and floor in half ! This way if anything goes wrong it will be confined to one box !!
Keef, if you and RWS are going through a half pound a month, you might want to consider drying out for a few months!

Back in the day, I used to go through an ounce a week, but keep in mind, if I had weed, everyone got high. Never was shy about sharing with friends. It was good stuff, but not medical grade goodies like today. After taking a 19 year hiatus raising a kid, you could wave a pack of zig zags in front of me and I got high!

Now a days, two or three tokes in the morning, the same in the afternoon, and a few extra at night works just fine for me. I wish the Old Hen would get high with me. She did promise to do it before I take the Big Nap, but I wonder. We used to have such fun together stoned. She always had the weirdest sense of humor.

One time, I broke a bone in the top of my left foot. Tried to bite the bullet, but the damn thing HURT! Went to the doctor, got an Xray, was told it was definatly broken, and told to stay off it for two weeks. She looks the doctor straight in the face and says, "It's a good thing it was his left foot."
The doctor looks at her funny and says, "Why?"
The Old Hen says, "Because he's right handed!"
The look on that doctor's face was priceless......
Beemer love ur turkey,, it doesn't gobble,, but does make feel ,, gooblin hahahahahhahaah
Hippie say I need. To back off my weed !!--are there any other suggestions cause that ain't gonna happen !--I'll just have to grow more ! See if I can't keep her one-hitter full ! Hey !-- I was over at Skunk Pharm they have a syatem for making BHO in a metal thermos no real machine needed !
My better half way just waxing nostalgic and as is her way she cut thru the chase and right to the point !-- Sitting there thumbing thru a magazine she suddenly said -- If the pilgrims had brought a donkey instead of turkey -- Just think !-- On Thanksgiving instead of turkey we'd all be getting a piece of ***!
Good morning weed OFC. lovbnstoned I had to share that picture. I wish I had that kind of imagination to do things like that.

Hippie yes we still can get stuffing and gravy. Sure better than a kick in the head. This was our contribution to the feast yesterday. 6 lb pork loin, butterflied and stuffed and wrapped in bacon. It was great.

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Beautiful day at the.beach !-- I was feeling guilty about how much weed I use -- so I promise I won't smoke anymore ! I won't smoke.any less either !-- Staying stoned is a natural state for me !-- I smoke from the Wake and Bake until bedtime !-- all day.everyday !
Beemer, that is just beautiful.

Hippy, i like your wife, that was funny. It has taken mr rb over a year to get the hang of smoking again after a 25 year hiatus. He still doesn't smoke much, but I have hopes. I know what you mean about the old times laughing like that.

Hi Lovb! How are you?
My wife never smoked much. When I first started to grow she did not like the clone room being our closet. was pretty much against my first grow. Then she tried some .Now she rolls her own joints.

Hippie , I think that skunk of yours sure has been around. I have been researching my seeds.
Holland's Hope is Hindu Kush x skunk #1
Money Maker is Afghan x Skunk
Deep Cheese is Afghani x Skunk

dang the skunk is a tramp
RWS was taken in by a pentacostal family when she was 12- No SECULAR music and limited contact with outsiders --- When we met she was waiting for her divorce from a pentacostal preacher to be finalized !--The little girl was a nervous wreck and about half crazy from the indoctrination and the fact that when she filed for divorce everyone she knew turned their back on her !-- When I heard of this after we were introduced --Keef got a little upset !-- I spread my dirty wings around her and hissed at they evil a** ! Thus began my war with that cult !-- They never met nobody immune to their little manipulating guilt game !!-- On the bright side I got to introduce her to music that wasn't religious ! Took her to her first rock and roll concert -- Almond Brothers Band and Bad Company openned for them !-- To see her standing there with her mouth hanging open was priceless !-- got her high for the first time -- had to teach her how to inhale !-- taught her how to shot tequila too -- she'll never do that again ! Just teaching her to live in the real world was amazing ! There was so much she didn't know !
keef i too know a bunch of pentacostal folks. one of my old good friends is pentacostal. i believe your right with some being more like a cult, but the one i knew were just as wild as i and my other friends were. i have set a drank with them as well as toked with them. some are very manipulating with more then just guilt. but i have found people like both in most all different beliefs. glad you showed her the outside world.
Morning O.F.C. !-- gonna be a nice day at the beach !-- temps are 80/60 with 30 mph winds later ! About that skunk -- what's it's geneology ?-- was it bred from N.Y. Diesel - Chronic ? Got a SOG ready to move to bloom on the first and a whole set of fresh cuts in the cloner !-- give me a month and see if RWS ever says "Is this all we got ?" Again ! Got more coffee to drink and half a pipe !- When it comes to Wake and Bake -- I try to do my share !-- Think I'll just stay lit all day !
skunk #1 although popularized by SSSC was bred by the sacred seed company, circa 1975 or so NorCal. Most skunk strains are derived from this strain. Neville did a large volume of work with skunk #1.
geneology looks to be Columbian gold x Afghani x Mexican gold. as far as I can see.

Umbra you have mentioned Neville a couple of times . Tell us more.
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