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Neville Schoenmaker. He owned the SeedBank back in the 80's. He did a lot of the original breeding with cannabis, that has made it what it is today. I first met him in Holland in the 80's at the 1st HT Cannabis cup. It was at his castle. He sold the castle and the SeedBank to Sam Drucker at Sensi Seeds. He went from there to Greenhouse seeds where he and Shatibaba met and starting breeding together. Another falling out and Neville ran a coffee shop and Shantibaba hooked up with Howard Marks and formed Mr Nice seeds. Neville went back home to Australia and has been breeding exotic birds. A year or so ago, he resurfaced with new beans. There was a bunch of excitement, but it seems to have sizzled out now. Rumors at the time were that the beans were from his son and not him. He did all the original work with Northern Lights, hazes ( haze was a term used to honor the Haze Bros who developed the strain), early pearl, shiva, and all kinds of hindu kushes.
Maybe one day we can grow stanky weed like Skunk with out fear the smell will bring unwanted "guest"-- U guys must think I'm crazy about looking for the most potent variety I can find !-- After all there are some great and diverse varieties !-- Not being satisfied with what I grow got nothing to do with it ! Since I hope most of my harvest will eventually be turned into e-cig juice I want to get the most THC per square meter !-- Did I mention that over at skunkpharm they decribe how to use a metal thermos as a BHO machine ? I find a way to homogenize the BHO and V.G. and I can make "T" cig juice as RWS calls it as strong as needed !-- more potent per toke than the source weed !
Keef, I see this as the wave of the future. Back in NJ, I saw a politician with an e cig and there was no nicotine involved. He was at a fund raiser, and his eyes got really glassy and bloodshot. I could tell what was going on, lol. I have pitched this idea to some venture capitalists.
Umbra weed is to be my 2nd career so I'm interested in any process , product or whatever will pay the bills !-- It ain't work if U enjoy what U do !-- about homogenizers -- how do we do this ? - I understand how it works -- break the compounds down so small they can never separate again !-- been studying about BHO -- I like skunkpharms metal thermos method !-- this I can do !-- need a simple way to homogenize it !-- I got a gallon of Vegatable Glycerin and 100 -2 mil bottles !-- All I need is a homogenizer or process and I'm gonna be all over this ! SkunkPharm says they made it 50% V.G. and 50% BHO and people said is was way to strong !-- Have to find a good strength !!- I won't be making any BHO out of brickweed and mixing it with BHO from trim and popcorn to make a commercial "T - cig" juice Wink ! Wink !
it's going to be big business. heck nicotine shops are the big thing. pot e juice will be huge.
I was wondering if a wire loop spinning the 11,000 rpm of a dremel would be enough !-- it would be way cool if all I needed was a dremel and a metal thermos bottle !-- I quess we be seeing just what it takes to make it cause I'm all in !--
Sunday morning "Wake and Bake", start the day off right. Coffee and a bowl on the last day of rifle deer season. Been hunting this area for more then 25 years and this was the worst weather Mother Nature has ever thrown at us. Snow, snow and more snow, then cold (around zero), now rain and melting snow. Single digits tonight and tomorrow. Muzzle loading will be better, can`t be any worse. That starts Friday. Peace.
Ugh!- Morning O.F.C. - the body be working me this morning -- I mowed and did some yard work yesterday lots of stuff hurts today !-- wish I had some of Giggy dab !-- ain't never had none ! Got some Widow working on my aches and about to have some more !-- can't smoke when my thumbs be busy-- Good day to all !-- I gots to get right !-- Later !
I got the cure !- think I might live ! Umbra be working my mind about THC e-cig liquid !-- I've been using a nicotine e-cig for about 3 years after smoking for 30 something years ! When I can make a good THC juice I'll add some nicotine and have it all in on system I can smoke anywhere ! I wouldn't add it to all I make just what I keep for myself !-- found a good way to make nicotine concentrate and plan to make all my e-cig juice one day soon !- Powerful stuff ! That metal thermos BHO extraction looks like da bomb !-- can't wait to try it ! Build me a little wire loop for my dremel -- Keef got himself a plan !
Good Morning OFC. Keef, GreyWolf does a great job of taking science to the people, demystifying it, and making it more accessible to everyone. I am glad the links to various sites I leave here are not just ignored. There is nothing more exciting to me, than to see some one so engaged about something, that it gives them purpose. Keef, I believe you are a man with a plan.
Is that for those little swamp deer that you shoot and stick in your hip pocket?:)

there are some small deer through out the south, but management has bulked them up a lot. i know yall have some big azz white tail up north, but they are starting to be that way here too. my brothers hunt in south texas and one of my brothers is pestered by a doe that is not much bigger then her fawns. they are now talking of running a quarter mile of deer fence (that is all they need to close up the ranch) and stocking with some new stuff, but they will have to kill out all that are on the ranch now to do it. got a nice pic of one a good friend killed but i can't post it as he is in it too.
Little deers is camp meat !-- put them in your hip pocket !- Hippie U so funny !-- if something ain't done soon the south will be over run with feral hogs !-- they need to put a bounty on them or something !-- $25 for each tail or ears that proves the kill !-- give people a way to make money while stopping the problem !-- Keef be thinking maybe whole hog BBQ place ! -- Hey I'm doing a little experiment -- cleaned out some planters out back yesterday -- this morning I remembered that bottle of brickweed seed I found -- scattered a fistfull in each planter !-- will they come up at all? Will they come up and go right into bloom ?-- we'll see !-- Umbra is right ole Keef got a plan -- when prohibition ends I plan to have the weed and the skills to turn it into whatever is in demand !-- Looks like I'm gonna have to smoke a lot weed doing quality control !-- it'll be tough but I'll do my best !
One day Keef gonna take 4 shipping containers place them in a square with a roof over the open center!-- Use what the army taught me and make the thing vanish into the landscape by making it look like something it's not !-- make me a good living out of it !-- still working on the interior design but I can't run stacked SOGs in all 4 containers -- need a nursery to provide clones-- need a work area --need a drying system -- need a mother keeper area-- see what I mean? it's more complicated than it sounds ! Oh !-- The place also need a killer sound system and a lounge !
I have my fingers into many different things. Always with certain thoughts whatever I do. So when I was looking at houses, or just a drive in the country, I always think about better growing spots. Warehouses, fields, farms, deserted industrial spaces...you get the idea. So Keef, keep your ideas flowing brother.

Been practicing my quality control skills !!-- Keef be feeling bullet proof !-- I just know I could stop a speeding bullet !!-- Well-- maybe once !
Concretecanvas.com -- I'm not the sharpest tack in the box but U know I have to look !-- RWS be working my mind !-- after watching "Buying the Bayou " She's decided she wants a houseboat ! How the "F" can I build a houseboat with a grow room ? She tasks me ! --But !-- it's another example why I'm gonna need a little float plane !-- got to be able to fly in for Mardi Gras ! Or to bring in a bottle of e-cig juice - after the end of prohibition ! Coming in from London up over the pole -- seldom seen especially when I land !- The world is changing and those old laws are almost history ! Still I would rather run a quart of e-cig liquid than a truck load of weed , any day !
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