Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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When checking on a Sativa dominant strain, should one hope for amber trichomes? I’m hoping for something with an alert high but not necessarily speedy...I’ve got full cloudy trichs right now...I was also hoping for a little purple color in the flowers since my temps have been a bit chilly but I’m not seeing that at all...I’m also hoping to harvest before we get another big storm system...couple of rain possibilities this week but they don’t appear real stormy...just not a lot of sun warmth either...
glad you got your harvest in Rose!!!good for you and your family!!!my sister in law made some brownies from her pot but I think she may have cooked all the thc out of them...they were a little too done and they didn’t bring anything to the high...I don’t know how she made them either...I’m going to try and help her make some useable edibles...speaking of, I need that recipe for gummies as I’m giving them for Xmas presents....check my new avatar, I found it on the inside of a porta potty at the beach...cheers!!!
Afternoon folks...Cool avatar 2RE...This turned into a fine afternoon...had the left over rain and mist this morning but that gave way to sunshine and 63*...perfect t-shirt weather. Been outback sitting behind the bamboo smoking a large Black Pearl J...the cool air and the cannabis taste sure go together. Squirrels are burning the tree tops up out there...cool air has them frisky and fussy.
My girls are really slow this year probably because I started them late after a grow of some autos that didn’t do so well either...These Girls are fairly small but they are making some nice big buds...bigger than I have ever grown in the past...Well two of them are...I have an auto growing now as well and it’s doing okay just lesser bud weight I think...I think the biggest producer will be the Harlequin girl, she’s got some nice fat buds and the purple haze is doing well and I’m most excited about that one...these are the outside girls...inside are the beach girls and we’ll see how they do over the next couple months...cheers y’all, me and the missus are out enjoying the cool evening here but bout to go rustle up some grub...
Down below is Jozi just chillin in camp with one of her favorite play things...she got a little attitude...


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My girls are really slow this year probably because I started them late after a grow of some autos that didn’t do so well either...These Girls are fairly small but they are making some nice big buds...bigger than I have ever grown in the past...Well two of them are...I have an auto growing now as well and it’s doing okay just lesser bud weight I think...I think the biggest producer will be the Harlequin girl, she’s got some nice fat buds and the purple haze is doing well and I’m most excited about that one...these are the outside girls...inside are the beach girls and we’ll see how they do over the next couple months...cheers y’all, me and the missus are out enjoying the cool evening here but bout to go rustle up one grub...
Down blow is Jozi just chillin in camp with one of her fave prime play things...she got a little attitude...
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So 2RE are the ones shown here your Harlequin and purple haze?
Good Morning OFC...hit 47* this morning....yellow jackets are very aggressive right now...hunting food for the winter...they always get like this right before a frost. They will try to take anything sweet...do not sit a sugary drink down or they will take it over. Those buds are nice and fat 2RE and ol Jozi is looking good too...she is like ...how long to T-day and a drum stick lol. My cats continue to eat like pigs...10 times a day...and that is just their food!...Bobcat is sure to hit me up for anything I eat...she has to have "her cut" of any food brought out....I have a cracker break at 10am and 3pm when I am home...Ritz crackers with PB in them...I promise...you can open that cracker package in a hurricane and she will hear you out in the yard....and demand "her cut" lol. Wishing all a great day with their fur babies.

Good morning yall!
Its colder than a well diggers arss this morning! However the sun is out and Green Santa stopped by my place yesterday. I'm feeling much better now. Thanks Santa!
Busy painting at the church today. Its gonna be a good day!
I wish I could help you out. I had been out for a while myself.
I hope y'all have a great day!
Hey Gloman, thanks. I just got to make what I can afford stretch. I'll be ok. I picked up some of the Chocolope a couple hours ago. I smoked about a bowl of it. Much better. Less is more right?
I hear that Nov!
I browsed around at the 1 dispensary I'm allowed to use.
Trinity. Another of Illinois "control" rules so we don't get 1 penny past the tax man.
They have a great selection but OMG they are mighty proud of their products. I can't understand how ANYBODY can pay those prices. Certainly not Me!
I sometimes get a little sour myself...I get frustrated because things I used to do and took for granted, I struggle with today...and it ain’t hard stuff either...or just trying to find or remember something that I just had or thought...seems I’m forever losing something that I need or use often...
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No end to painting when the weather dries up for the Official New England Get Ur Sh*te Together season!!! Low humidity except for the storm that is almost done blowing through, perfect time to finally address the junk room oops I mean guest room...was fun to discover the ceiling fixture isn't on a dedicated breaker (yay, knob n tube), my beep beep stick had a dead battery (not that you can even really trust them with knob n tube either due to neutral line switch location), so I had to kill the main and wrestle down the disgusting old fan by flashlight. All better now. Got the 42 miles of Victorian trimwork spruced up, and miraculously the dog didn't end up covered in paint despite his efforts to the contrary. He is out cold snoring now thankfully.


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@stinkyattic I missed “get $hit done” season in NCal...I needed to paint the exterior but I didn’t...I needed to fix a couple things prior and those things just don’t seem to get done...I’m really going to try the next “git’r done” season...I’m counting on y’all to remind me now...
A bit chilly tonight, well not for you northerners...I’m sittin in my garden tonight, almost 11pm but it’s so nice and an almost full waning moon...well as I said a bit brisk but bundle a bit and have a smoke and a beer, it ain’t bad...
Went out to the local concert hall tonight and saw these guys...from the Pacific Northwest...I think...I did enjoy myself...
Good night y’all...
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Morning OFC...Well I guess I would take the dogs job on that painting....flop out on bed lol. We have the Great River Balloon Race this weekend...lots of hot air balloons and good entertainment. The balloons only fly if the weather is nice...no winds above 5 mph...even if they cannot fly due to a tropical system passing to the East...they will still have the balloon glow and performers. Everyone is welcome! Hitting some plush berry with the coffee today..Friday is calling loudly.Nov, GM sorry ya'll running low...that's a bummer. Wishing all a stress and pain free day.

Good morning yall!
I love your pics. The critters know what's up! lol

I'm feeling MUCH better today after green Santa dropped in.
Sometimes we take having all we want for granted. Thanks Green Santa!
Supposed to have help today painting but who knows. The younger generation just doesn't seem to want to work at all anymore.
I hope you All have a great day!
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