Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Good Morning OFC....QB that is one mean looking tool....I wish they were available in this hemisphere , I would like to try one out.I got lucky yesterday...the install was close to the levee and the ground was very soft due to seepage from high river levels, so it was easy trench work. Its Friday ! Put on that smile...get ready for some money and 2 days off! lol I have a bowl of fruity pebbles OG burning....coffee flowing and grand plans for the day !

Hey Crockett - I hope U have been well ?- I had some brain chemistry imbalance stuff and was out awhile so I'm still catching up !- Sounds like U had a good crop !-- Winter down there ?- Steamy and hot here on the Gulf Coast of Texas --
Hey Keef Good to see you back , Was stoked with last effort ,your early pictures and advice got me experimenting , loven it again
Rose, I’ve read that taking RSO via anal suppositories will bypass the liver, which bypasses the hi but still gets into your system to do the cure...maybe not as pleasant as other methods but it can leave your wits intact I guess...something to think about...
I always take my suppositories up the shooter, I even bought a vintage suppository mold off Ebay (cool like a fishing sinker mold heavy duty Drug store style)
I use coconut oil infused . It does help pain, and if you place it in the correct location it will go right into the blood and bypass the liver, yes in deed.
They call me Anal Amos.
Morning OFC !
There's some sick individuals up in here !-- Don't go changing !-- I'm digging this olive oil extract -- I just take more than I probably need !- One little pipe lasted me almost all day yesterday -- It was there I was doing fine and forgot about the pipe !--
Crockett I'll be back at it soon enough!- I don't like not having a grow - It ain't natural !-- I have a need to grow !
Hot and humid again today ! - but not hot like July -August- September when it gets hellhot !
Good morning OFC, windy out there, hopefully some weather moving in. P

Any problem with vegging with LEDs and flowering with HPS ??? Need to do something with my veg closet.
How many Watts would one need to run in a closet 3x5x7 ?
Hope that you all have a wonderful day!!
Off to a morning filled with Tai Chi...
Morning Cane - Some probably give U some fancy math with words I have to look up-- LEDs ?-- Seems 1,000 + watts per square yard/meter - Since your cabinet is long U might need 2 lights ? - U got head room to keep the LEDs off the plants ? - U need some space between the LEDs and the plants -
Good morning old farts...yesterday was a wet one out here, today may be better...I’ll look later, right now I got this cup and a little taste before the work starts...
Sun is shining and the wind is still. It will hit 90 today.


This is Rosebud's nurse larry. Keef you sent me nurse larry didn't you or Rose was it you? I forget. Hate this flip cell phone.
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I need to make sure I got everything I need for tomorrow - They have this big relay race starts tomorrow morning and if U here and want to be some place else ?- U can't get there from here ! -- Had me a sandwich and some more tincture - Last time I got sick my face was in worse shape than I knew and I jumped up and mowed soon as I was able - Face flared up and put me down longer than if I would have just let it ride a day or 2 !- My immune system is weak so I'm taking vitamins and drinking OJ - Trying to stretch some so I can get rid of the stiffness !-
Ness I don't think I sent U any original Nurse Larry seed -- I don't think I had any at that time -- What I sent would have been - (NL-x- BBSL) - Nurse Larry- -times - Black Berry Snow Lotus-- Nurse Larry's evil child !-- She'll do U right but she a steam roller and just keep coming !
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