Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Woops posted twice. Keef, Looking forward to tasting the blueberry. I sure hope I grow better this time around. I don't like the waiting game.
Ness -That should scratch the blueberry itch !-- That "blueberry" is Umbra's BPU-X-BB - also called "B.B. King "--It's gonna want to get big too ! --
BPU-x - B.B. ==Blackberry Kush - x- Purple Citral -x- Uzbekistan hash plant- x- Blueberry Blast -
Cane and Rose got me wanting some CKNs when In get to the country -- I can't leave well enough alone-- I Googled "Bigass Chickens " and there they were !-- 25 pound (10 kilo)- chickens !-- Jersey Giants or Brahma- and maybe some turkeys ?--How many eggs U want for breakfast ?- I been wondering about those little pot bellied pigs too ?-- No !-- I been around pig pens they stink too much - Them little pigs do look tasty ?
U got to close the circle of life too !- U gotta have the Chickens to eat the grain after it been fermented to make liquor-- No sense in wasting it ?-- Chickens be happy chickens too ?
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or you could compost the spent grain with EM1 and use the compost in your garden and the ckn can eat the worms that are attracted to the compost. The worms will have EM1 in them and will act as a probiotic and an aid to their immune system without the use of steroids or growth enhancers.
I am out of medicine. The NL5, is gone. how did that happen? Too many sick folks. I will be out this morning after making one small batch of rso. This has never happened to me before.
Mornin Cane, Rained so hard in the night it woke me. The wind was crazy. Hard rain like you get. I like it.
So i am cleaning out my closet getting rid of too big of jeans. yay.

Keef, lots of folks can't take the high of rso and it impedes their ability to get well. So not sure how i will tell folks to stick it.
It's some complicated stuff Rose !-- For pain and PTSD -head injuries like I got the buzz is part of the help U get --I been too high but I'm not sure I could do 60 grams of RSO in 60 days ?-- I can't see many being able to function much at all with that kind of a dose ?--There's lots of treatments for other stuff that don't require such high doses -For high doses like that 60 gram thing - I think the patient almost needs to be in a nursing home type setting ?- To keep U from falling and stuff cause U gonna be way high for 2 months ?-- someone needs to watch out for U !--
I'll use lesser concentrates like this olive oil tincture and it is good medicine - I think many would benefit from it -- I think I need to add some high CBD and take out some high THC but it's close enough - Long as U Don't Take Too Much !
I think all MJ is medical -- The person who comes home and burns one to relax - That's medical !--
I'm not going to the country to make Moonshine- I'm going to grow weed - If I need alcohol ?- I can make some but not regularly !
What about RSO made without a decarb ?- THCA and CBDA instead of the psychoactive form after it's decarbed ? - Would that help get rid of the buzz and still give U the benefits ?-
I guess U want the benefits of the THC/CBD pair ?--There will be side effects like it's gonna make U high -high ?- May not be able to get around that ? - I think if knock out the tumor with those large doses --U may need to stay on a maintenance dose to be sure it don't come back ?--
That tincture and the pipe played me !- Made me think how good some ice cream would be ?-- After a big bowl ?-- I don't want any ice cream !-- I don't think I like Ice Cream anyway ? Where my pipe ? -Oh !- My belly !
So hangin out in the driveway painting cabinet doors...my wife comes out and says, I’ll be right back...and she gone...
She been telling me she wants a playmate for Jozi...we’re only supposed to have one pet here where I live...we have jozi and two cats...well about an hour later she comes back with this guy...if we don’t get evicted, I guess we’ll be alright...he’s 9 years old and while at the shelter, had all his teeth pulled...He’s a happy camper here with us I think...we’ll take him to the vet and get’m checked out...so far, he and Jozi seem to get along...he is 3 lbs...I have no idea what breed he is, I’m guessing a combination...Anyway, he’ll get a bath and I think he’ll be alright...we have not yet figured out his name so we might need help with that...

U alright RE !-- Sat down with a plate of French fries-- gonna catch up on the news !- What is that NC that banned abortion even in cases of consensual rape ?-- I got words for about every situation I ever ran across - Lots of words !-but ?--- I don't even ???-- I mean consensual rape ?? -Uh ???? - I'm speechless !- What right ?? -No words ??-- I don't understand so I'm blame it on my head injury ?- Turnt the news off !- I ain't got but the one brain cell and I ain't burning it out on that !- Put some blues on - That's what I'll do !-I'm need some tokes ?- - It hurts my haid !
Good Morning OFC...Good looking buddy you got there 2RE...love to see our fur buddies get a good home!I have 3 cats and all are rescues...2 are Manx dominate on breeds...and George is a Korat dominate breed...its an ancient breed from Thailand. George is so vocal...tries his best to talk with you lol and he is a big guy at 18 pounds...no fat just a big cat. NL5 on the rotation this morning...I really enjoy this ol standby ...quite social for me...almost as social as the BC blueberry strain. Off to up pot next run ...taking the current run down soon...next day or so. Peace
Morning OFC !- I don't know if coffee gonna be enough to get me going today ?-- I need some Adderall ?- Ritalin ?- synthroid ? -Benzedrene ?-Something ?-- These are words we shouldn't use around here aren't they ?--I'm still waking up I'm not responsible yet !--- Point is I think it would take chemical motivation to get me moving !- Where my pipe ?-
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