morning ofc,,,boss gave me the day off with pay,,,,ive been working as a carpenter/laborer last few days ,,,,the owner of the company (a family friend) fired three guys for drinking on the job,,,few beers at lunch time ,,I did not think it was that big of a deal,,,boss was very upset with me as I did not rat them out ,,,,,,these three guys work as a crew so if one of them got hurt it would be his own fault,,,anyway as punishment I was forced to work a few days as a carpenter/laborer setting roof trusses ,,,after three days I hurt real bad ( not as young as I used to be ),,,boss called me at 430 this morning and told me to take the day off with pay ( for stepping up and strapping on my tool belt for three days) thought I was in good shape but man It whopped my little azz,,, I will have to run to Orlando sat to pick up permits for not working today ,,,,,,gonna smoke me a joint,,, take me a Vicodin and hot bath ,,,maybe a nap