Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Pretty flowers !
Nick - I know I can use butter or any other oil -- I've just used these oils and know what to expect-- Made my store run and got decarb simmering in olive oil on the stove - ratio about 4 parts weed 6 parts oil - No way to measure the THC content of the weed and no way to measure what U got in your oil extract - Taking some is my measuring device -- I end up too high everytime I make dis chit - I'm just tired of running out of empty capsules - I can just make this and take it by the spoonful like a cough syrup - Rather than by the drop or in caps -- It'll all work !
Well, what d’ya think...I had all the cabinet doors parked out in the driveway for sanding...got about half sanded yesterday afternoon and evening...thought I’d finish up this morning...who didn’t tell me it was going to rain last night...fortunately they were leaned against the house and the rain sorta came from a direction that gave a little protection so they are damp but not soaked...I brought them all back in and set them all around and cranked up the heater...now I don’t know when this project will get on track...looks like possible rain for the next week...$hit....
Well good morning ofc, let’s smoke...
1 TSP and 1 teaspoon?- They be different !-- Got my medicine in a bottle and my belly - 1 TBS seems to be a decent dose but it may not have peaked yet ?- I was gonna make another batch and to make it weaker or stronger but I think this is just fine -- I'm try to be real tomorrow --There's plenty needs to be done -- Still making grandpa noises when I move and moving slow but it'll get better !
Ness-- did U kill all them boys yet ?-- Watch them !-
Keef boys are all gone. I think it was Jasmine that eat on a few leafs. Not to bad. I don't think she liked it. I have never had a problem with the dogs eating on my plants. She carries everything out side. Shoe's, silverware.
Brews -- Welcome to the OFC !-- I had a head injury I have to go dark sometimes -- U growing ?- Wanting to grow ?--
That sounds good Ness !- This is when I preach the benefits of 2 grow areas - U could take some cuttings move them back to veg to root and grow the next set !--but -We do what we gotta do with what we got or can get !- - Those indicas should finish outside for U in plenty time before frost --
You, know I'll be fighting the bug war. Just before the sun goes down, I'll be spraying safer's on the girls. I just got to watch not to spray to heavy.
Ness see if U can find a sprayer that is bent so it can sprays up - The bugs live mostly on the underside of leaves - So a sprayer that allows U to spray from bottom up would do the most good -- That safer soap has to get on the bug - Spraying from the top doesn't get most of them !- Find a way spray the underside of those leaves !
I kinda feel sorry for those people praising the benefits of that weakass CBD only oil tincture they selling everywhere !-- They got ahold of some dis chit I got ?They wouldn't even know how to act ?- This will fix most things or if it don't fix it ?- U don't care !- I can live with dat !-- It is amazing what it does for me - body and mind medicine ! --
Rose found another high CBD and it's an indica ?-- That's what I'm talking about !-
I need to find that pink hat -- I'll be with the women and the young !- What's the world coming to ?-- I can't even ... Come on Alabama ! - Look at U ?-- U should be ashamed !
2 RE, we have to find those seeds, First of all an indica cbd, of course, duh, and it tastes so good. I can't believe it. If i ever get seeds i will make seeds.
Keef, i can't ....not even. smoke coming out my ears now.
So we putting out an all points bulletin on AM ?-- The OFC is coming for U Alien Moonshine !- U can run but U can't hide for long !- We just keep coming for U !- Make it easy on yourself and just give up !- One cutting from a fine high CBD would be all I need !- Am I wrong to think I only need one good high CBD strain?--- Mostly to make extracts - I want my high THC extract and I want to have my high CBD extract- Maybe even as a clean RSO to mix as desired in medicine -- more or less THC/CBD- - Other Keef-- even if I had all the numbers I couldn't do that kind of math !-PTSD ?- Make it so it helps U - figure out the numbers later ?- Same with pain ?
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