Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Yes, I was up early Keef. Got the girls taking care of. Now, I don't know what to do. I guess I could wash down the outdoor rugs. That's no fun. bong hit. I'm wondering how Rose is. Hope she tune in soon. Hi there Ziggg. How you doing on your job? Have a good evening.
Evening OFC!I hope everyone is having a stellar day!!! Rainy and warm here! It's warm!!!!!
I chopped the auto down. I think I'll net an ounce, it was over 8oz wet :( It's an ounce I didn't have before. I don't think I'll be running any more auto's for a while. Maybe if they could go outside.
The 2 Peyote Critical clones I have are doing great but the Holy Grail clones have all kicked off. I think I may have damaged the tap roots when transplanting. They never really took off but they didn't die either. So that means more clones!! I'm gonna get a few rooted clones from each mom before I switch to 12/12.
My King LED has lost a lot of intensity. I am seriously impressed with how easy the return process was with King through Amazon. The replacement will be here in 5 days and I have a month to send the original back at no cost! If I put the new one in side by side and it turns out I've just gotten accustomed to the light I'm keeping both of em for a 4x4 or 5x5.
Does any one know of a reliable budget PAR meter? I saw a really cheaply made green one that had horrible reviews. Maybe I can make one with a Raspberry Pi or Arduino....
Hey Nick I like the thread U started about how we ended up here !- I think U need to start another one - Something about- "Tell us your weed dreams" - or what's your dream grow if U could have it your way ?- Just a thought ?--
Storms been sliding south and the face ain't happy -- Been using my heat pack on it !-- Supposed to be a big blow with flooding tonight and tomorrow- Big band of storms coming out of Mexico been hammering Austin - San Antonio all the way up to Dallas !- Now they coming for me !-- We don't flood much on the island the water just don't have far to hold to get to the ocean-- I just hunker down and ride it out !- My biggest problem probably be that little demon dog - He don't do wet !--
Nov, a little correction if I might. The difference between a plant from seed vs a clone … clones do not have a taproot
I thought it would shoot a root straight down just like a seedling would. Although, now that I really think about it, I've never seen a tap root on a clone... It was something I did though because all three PC's rooted and began thriving quickly. The shoots on the clones of HGK were so tiny. Like dwarfism tiny. I may have a pic of them if I look through my photos. Thanks for the correction Umbra.

You guys in the storms be careful! I hope you guys have boats...
I might just do that Keef. I have big dreams and a vivid imagination! I'll probably never get to do half the things I dream of doing but it might be fun to talk about
But Nick, you are like me … an old man with COPD, and a 2 car garage and a 4 x 8 tent and a 2 x 8 closet is all the work than 1 man can handle. More than that and you need help. Security becomes a huge issue as you know.
Absolutely. I was at the breaking point last summer. I had backed off a lot by the time I got raided. My biggest fear right now is the idiot son of my friend. He is 19 and not above stealing from his dad. He isn't supposed to know but you can bet he does. All the charcoal in the world can't hide a room you walk by to get into the house proper.
Umbra all that one man can do ?- Messing with all that grow medium is more than I plan to do !-- One day I may not be able to do some the stuff I can do now so I want to develop a grow system - A geriatric grow system -- 1st though I have to set up "The Bat Cave Grow "- Maybe 2 bedrooms in a house or even a bedroom and garage --
From there I'd like to Set up a small commercial grow maybe something the size of a 2 bay mechanics shop - with all the bells and whistles-- Spyder LEDS and all !--Set up where I can run it all from a desk control panel -
- Use the bat cave grow as clone production / variety bank to support the real grow as a back up and for my personal grow ! - I'd like maybe for the 2 Bay grow to be right out back the bat cave grow house !- Is that too big ?
If I have some seclusion I can secure a grow - passive or active don't matter to me !- -I'll need some night vision and I don't have to use explosives but Other Keef like blowing chit up !-- It don't have to be fatal !- Just something to make U know U shouldn't be here !
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Long time ago someone round here said - When prohibition ends and U want to go commercial are U gonna be the wind shield or the bug ?- Then there was something about if U want to survive in a competitive market - U got to Brand yourself !-- So I been knocking around the idea of a line of MMJ products -- That's not something I can do on my own - I been actively looking for a group of Healthcare professionals wanting in on the coming green wave !- They can navigate us thru the legal loop holes and such - While I grow -- make and package product ! -- I did put myself out there by directing many mmj proponents to MP and the OFC -- Making sure they knew the one called Keef is in Texas !- -It's a long shot but hey !-Why not give it a go ?-- Worse that happens is I got a little private grow helping me with the bills !- Things go my way though ?-- I'm the new wholesale OFC buyer !
I do love me some bud porn !-- I see that signature Umbra frost !-
He doing them right !--
Edit :--I don't know how I slipped into this Bob Seger groove but I can dig it !
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