I thought it would shoot a root straight down just like a seedling would. Although, now that I really think about it, I've never seen a tap root on a clone... It was something I did though because all three PC's rooted and began thriving quickly. The shoots on the clones of HGK were so tiny. Like dwarfism tiny. I may have a pic of them if I look through my photos. Thanks for the correction Umbra.Nov, a little correction if I might. The difference between a plant from seed vs a clone … clones do not have a taproot
But Nick, you are like me … an old man with COPD, and a 2 car garage and a 4 x 8 tent and a 2 x 8 closet is all the work than 1 man can handle. More than that and you need help. Security becomes a huge issue as you know.I might just do that Keef. I have big dreams and a vivid imagination! I'll probably never get to do half the things I dream of doing but it might be fun to talk about