Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Morning OFC
G - It's still dark !-- I don't know if I'm ready for this day ?--
1st cup of coffee and see if I can find my pipe ?-- Did U see that Notre Dame burnt down ?-
Frank Zappa and the Mothers --were at the best place in town-- when some stupid with a flare gun --burnt the place to the ground -- I don't think Notre Dame went down like that-- Maybe it'll reunite France-- They been struggling too -
More storms coming for some - Be careful out there !
Good weed this morning !--
Good Morning OFC....I get your weather the next day Keef....still picking up the pieces around here from the weekend storms. One town still has over 2000 out of power since Saturday afternoon, closed the interstate for 6 hours. Heavy property damage but no loss of life fortunately, 2 F2 tornadoes hit the business district of that town. I keep 3 generators just to cover the power outages,redundancy so I am assured one will crank lol. The power routinely fails a few times per month... most of the the time its only a couple hours or so...large storm can be days....Katrina was 11 days !This area has become known as tornado alley of the south. Cherry Bomb in the new water pipe and off for a walk...Peace
Hollowpoint- I was in Hammond La. for Katrina -- I ran a lamp a radio and a fan thru an DC /AC inverter off my car for almost 3 weeks- after my generator crapped out on the first day - Had to duct tape a chainsaw to my left hand cause my grip wasn't strong enough -- Tore this old body all dahell up getting out the swamp !
I got a Free sample of some hemp cbd tincture from Whole Greens and it was worth every penny. It SAID it has 500mg but it did Nothing for me.
Since then I added 10cc of RSO from the outside girlz.
Now, 10 drops seems to be just enuff to help with pain but only a little high.
20 drops now, is a pretty good buzz!
So, in conclusion I have determined that Hemp cbd on its own is WORTHLESS.
good morning everyone....had to take the day off of work,,,have to go to the boys school ,,,he got into trouble yesterday by hitting another child not sure whats going on at school ,,,,he loves school but lately he does not seem to want to go,,,last few mornings he has been saying hes sick and does not want to go ,,I have a 9 oclock apt with the principal ,,,,should get to the bottom of this
Starting to lighten up some outside -- Hey Zig - Somebody bullying your boy and he fought back ?--
Gloman that's one way to add CBD to a tincture - start with some in it -- That'll work ! - Glad U didn't have 20 grams of RSO on hand - U be walking in da spirit world bout half the time -- I still think we can do better than that store bought CBD - U say Frank's Gift got some in it ?- Frank's Gift RSO ?
Then some Dank and some more Dank maybe just a bit more Dank turnt into RSO -in a itsy bitsy bit of oil - 2 drops per dose ?- I think Rose onto something with adding a little CBD to her high THC tincture - I'm with the Gloman about CBD only being pretty worthless- Put it with some THC and that's a different dog !--
I bet I could do 20 drops G !-- Chit don't 'fect Umbra none cause he's pickled in THC --
Thought I was immune to thc till I started growing OFC genetics!
Still takes a lot by others standards but at least now I Can get high if I want.
I really do miss smoking tho. COPD lets you know when you get too lax.
Gloman - U need a Rosen Press make U some shatter - get U a big bubbler pipe -Or put it in a e-cig cartridges?- One Toke and done - ( OK -2-3 tokes for some of us )-- Maybe one more toke for ole Keef and he be drooling and melting into the couch with that stupid look on his face !-- Umbra out there probably growing THC and CBD crystals- He like that U know - Got a lab and all -- Probably be fractionally distilling this and that - Making moon rocks and stuff - I would think that dissolving some decarbed Rosen Press Oil into a little oil would be bout good as it gets ?- Gloman about that Dragon stuff U make ?-- Others might be scared of it but I ain't !- I'd try it !-- I think we tune it up some U sitting on a PTSD medicine- Maybe 3 part cannabis to 1 part Golden Teacher -or another strain ? --Can U put it in oil like this tincture ?
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Gloman - U need a Rosen Press make U some shatter - get U a big bubbler pipe -Or put it in a e-cig cartridges?- One Toke and done - ( OK -2-3 tokes for some of us )-- Maybe one more toke for ole Keef and he be drooling and melting into the couch with that stupid look on his face !-- Umbra out there probably growing THC and CBD crystals- He like that U know - Got a lab and all -- Probably be fractionally distilling this and that - Making moon rocks and stuff - I would think that dissolving some decarbed Rosen Press Oil into a little oil would be bout good as it gets ?- Gloman about that Dragon stuff U make ?-- Others might be scared of it but I ain't !- I'd try it !-- I think we tune it up some U sitting on a PTSD medicine- Maybe 3 part cannabis to 1 part Golden Teacher -or another strain ? --Can U put it in oil like this tincture ?
Yes, you Can extract it and reduce it to a crystalline form if you want.
My thoughts on that are to create a medicinal dosage on the dragon piss. My recipe is strictly recreational but it can easily be modified.
Glad U said something G - I miss stuff sometimes -- U got the recreational thing worked out so now make it medicinal --
The alcohol is just the carrier It don't take much --When I get ready to start distilling I'm get U to double check me on stuff !--
Let me do one more ?

The truth is that life is hard and dangerous; that he who seeks his own happiness does not find it ; that he who is weak must suffer ; that he who demands love will be disappointed ; that he who is greedy will not be fed ; that he who seeks peace will find only strife ; that truth is only for the brave ; that joy is only for him who does not fear to be alone ; that life is only for the one who is not afraid to die .
Good morning everyone

Sunny and nice today.


Have a GREAT day!! :)
Then U misunderstand Rose - U don't go out and insist someone love U - Love must find U !-- It's a moral about trying to shape the world to your will instead of living in it !
Sounds brutal I know but if U try to force your will upon the world instead of viewing life as a journey - U ain't gonna be happy - I'm sorry if it offended U !- Where did it come from ?- Give me a minute - I got lit and forgot !
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