Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Almost ? - That is an interpretation of Boustrophedon script on an ancient Norse upright stone near Asferg -Sweden
The interpreter was Joyce Cary !
Don't get the wrong idea about my interest in the Ancient Norse -- My interest is in thier gods and maybe the connection to another place ?-- One the Sumerian gods went north to the land of ice regularly according to old writings -- So it seems Enki may have been God to 2 different peoples - Under different names -- The white people of the North and the black people of the Absu ( the gold fields) in southern Africa ? --Just a theory !- Maybe ?

Want another toke ?- Yes I do Other Keef
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U like science fiction space shows and stuff ?-- Wanna listen to ( or read )- The oldest sci-fi ever ?--It's 6,000 years old-- The Lost Book of Enki !--
Eh, kind of hard to accept being a gold mining slave for a bunch of aliens. You know, free will and all.
I smell smoked pork shoulder roast - Give it 18 hours !
Yo Umbra - Free will has it's limits -
I saw cotton and I saw black - Big White Mansions and little shacks !
It's just a dam book that makes people think and they don't like what it makes them think !-- Dat's what I think about it !
Aren’t you glad these hair days are gone!!!

" The girls from New Jersey
have that great big hair,
they're found in shopping malls
I will take you there.

John Gorka
good evening guys ,,,had a meeting with the boys principal this morning ,,,it went terrible ,,,,first they tell me my boy punched another kid in the face and they have video showing this,,,,well I looked at the tape and it clearly shows the other kid pushing my son 3 times ,,,after the third push my boy hauls off and hits this kid with a prefect right hand to the face ,,,knocks the little bastard over hitting his head on the table ,,,at that point the teacher grabs my son by the arm and drags him out of the class room ,,,when I saw that I lost my mind and called the cops ,,, I want her arrested for assault she has no right to put hands on my son,,,,,they brought my son to the deans office after the incident and tried to get his side of the story ,,,when he is scared or up set he does not speak well ,,,they kept telling him use your words ,,,use your words ,,at six years old he told them to go fuck them selfs I want my mom,,,i was at work so his g pa picked him up ,,,,,they did not arrest the teacher only filed a report ,,,,a got a copy of the report and it has her full name and address ,,,,rest assured ill be paying her a visit one morning soon (no one puts hands on my child )I got two things on my side I have a great lawyer and no fear of jail ,,,,this aint over by a long shot ,,,,I will be suing the school and the teacher (after I woop that bitchs ass )in the mean time I will have my son home schooled as according to them he needs to undergo anger management to return to school,,,like I said this snit aint over
Weather be deteriorating at the beach -Texas gonna get it tonight !-- Storms coming !
What we smoking OFC ?-
Good morning OFC. Wow, Zigggy. I wouldn't stand for that either. One step at a time. 2RedEyes that picture up there is in my mom's days. I remember when she use to do hair. I got a head start on this day, lets see how far I get. Watching Kansas City SWAT on the tube, waiting to see how the plants are looking this morning.
Good morning yall!
Well, we got rain last night. Just in time to water in my poppy seeds.
I'm planning on planting 500 ginseng seeds next week.
Gotta clear out some underbrush first on the N.E. quarter.
Its a 10yr investment but if its not me harvesting it somebody else will, and its worth a pretty penny!
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