Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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We need an OFC logo for baseball hats and stuff in case we ever need to find each other at one them cups- Any artist in da bunch ?--I'll be finding a way to attend one sooner or later !
Good morning OFC
Sunny day so far.

I think I will plant outside next month sometime. I can't wait. Hmm some of these new Gelato crosses may be good. Vanilla Frosting or The Bling maybe.
Time to smoke this joint I rolled earlier.

Have a great day!
Yo Burnin1 -- I hate U too !- Gelato this and Blackberry fire that --Make me sick !

Frank Zappa and the Mothers --were at the best place in town-- when some stupid with a flare gun-- burned the place to the ground !
No doubt Umbra -- I'm just jealous right now cause I'm not growing Cuz - We working on that !--
Other Keef was on fire this morning !-- pissed some people off -- made other people laugh -- Made the intended feel -- All is lost whoa is me !
We need an OFC logo for baseball hats and stuff in case we ever need to find each other at one them cups- Any artist in da bunch ?--I'll be finding a way to attend one sooner or later !
Ya know,
I don't usually buy into that logo thing, but if we was to come up with one for the OFC, I'd buy a ball cap with it on and wear it proudly Everywhere!
By the way
I did a sample off that BB King.
She IS starting to change from fuel to something kind of sweet. She not done yet.
3 hits and I'm Comfortably Numb.
Trichs are mostly cloudy. Gonna wait till half amber.
It's happening Gloman -- The fuel oil smell will fade into the fruity something then it's not long and blueberry is unmistakable - It gets even better with some time in a jar !
? ---Umbra put the frost all up on that one !
I can do poetry !

Mary had a little lamb
She tied to the heater
Everytime it moved
It burnt it little ***** !

Good weed !
We need an OFC logo for baseball hats and stuff in case we ever need to find each other at one them cups- Any artist in da bunch ?--I'll be finding a way to attend one sooner or later !
Oh No Guns right........ whoops
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Yeah Toolman something like that with a OFC across it or something ?-- Maybe not the pistols ?

Yo auto correct -- I'm let U have that one !
Yeah Toolman something like that with a OFC across it or something ?-- Maybe not the pistols ?

Yo auto correct -- I'm let U have that one !
I use to be pretty good with photoshop software
But The Good ware is gone on my old computer
If I can find some free ware maybe I can whip up a logo
No promises but I will see.
OFCC -Old Farts Cannabis Club More like a hat emblem right?
Toolman we pretty much keep our guns hid !- It ain't a thing about the 2nd ammendment !-- I got an SKS - with a black plastic add on pistol grip and folding stock kit and 3 -30 round mags for it !-- To me gun control means hitting what U aim at !-- but I do think we need some stronger gun laws -- I'm keeping mine anyway but it would be nice to know others can't match my firepower in a shootout !
I run outta bullets for ole Spray and Pray - I break out the Street Sweeper -- A pump 12 gauge shot gun that shoot quite a few times - got no plug !- That was my Katrina gun !-- U can take anything U want but U better not take it from me - The sound of jacking a round into a pump gun is unmistakable --I get caught with them I get in trouble - I get caught without them I could die !
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Get creative Toolman !-- I like it so far !
I put in my 2 cents - I let U guys decide !
Heck yes!!!! That looks Good!
Id buy a ball cap with that on it!
Maybe even a T shirt.
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