Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Hello Guys

Have a GREAT day Keef!
Thanks guys - I had to do some math but 1955 till now I be ???-- Old !-- Too windy at the beach and in the 80s -- I think I'm gonna be better - Cooked me a bud - It's in my belly !--
I'm packing a pipe - got to be 420 somewhere ?-- Ya'll better be careful growing Umbra's Dank sativas !- Chit make U crazy !--
Trying to work something out !
With a 4 part rotation I divide the 60 days bloom cycle into 4 parts - U move something to bloom every 2 weeks and after 60 days my indicas start coming out bloom every 2 weeks- Trying to keep somewhat organized -- I add another part to that rotation and make it a 5 part rotation and that make it 74/75 days for some hybrids ?-- Indicas and hybrids ?- I'm just not ready for anything take longer than that to finish !
Where my lighter ?
Happy Birthday Keef. Did you blow anything up yet. Keep on Token. I'm still drinking coffee, watching a cooking show on the tube. Rose, I know you had a nice lunch. I got a couple of roses that bloomed. I'll see if I can post a picture. This computer is playing games when it come to posting pictures.
Hey Ness - No I'm not bowing anything up !-- I am a reformed smart phone assassin but technology still hates me !-- Looks like your plants are doing well !- Nick got a sativa but I think it is possessed got some kinda black bugger on it !- Scared me !-- ( I still think it was rat chit)
Gloman got some Umbra's sativas too - I tell U right now what's gonna happen - They gonna let them run until amber - They spark it up and gonna get straight up crazy - Talking to trees and stuff - Might even cause a religious experience ?- Be careful with them -- Umbra don't play !
Nick - I was 16 maybe 17 years old when I recovered my first body -- He had been in the water for 2 weeks and the fish and turtles had been at him !-
I'm be OK ya'll I had to cut back on my oral meds - Life happens !- This too shall pass ! - I still got smoking weed
Somebody gonna figure it out sooner or later !-- It's my birthday !​

This is going to s**k if I can post anymore pictures. For some reason my pictures are going into a collection page. I have to many plants. I got to figure something out. And, I don't know if I'll cut some of those big fan leaves back on a couple of the plants.
lol Keef. Ya the plants are about 3 1/2 inches. I kind of want them to grow out without toping. I'm thing of just throwing them into bloom when they grow a few more inches. I'm not cloning. My pH run's 6.3-6.5.
I lost all the pics on my old phone - I still got the phone I just don't know how to get to them -- U might have to take a couple plants on a walk ?- U should sex them soon - Let them crowd a little - Till U get rid the boys !
sound like a plan. I plan on putting 4 out in the woods. They will not get much light. But I'm going to see what happens. I no I'll be fighting the bug war. I have safer's all mix and ready to go.
Toolman we live in the real world - U come by when U can !

Wind blowing about 45 miles an hour -- I saw a piece of patio furniture go by while ago -I think !- It was big and it was quick and it wasn't alive -- I ain't going out there for awhile - Something come flying thru the air and U know where it will hit me - I'm stay in !- Hit me in da face - No man not today !--
Happy birthday Keef! I been afk all day! Hope you're having a great night!
Happy birthday ol man Keef...had one my own self just a few days ago...well, today I payed off that old uncle of ours that’s always looking for spendin money...don’t forget cuz he’ll come after yas... he’s actually gonna have to send me some back...so there!
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