I burned one out by the pool after dinner
rodent excrement: mouse, mole, vole, rat, take your pickOk, what is this? View attachment 252343
Morning OFCThanks decree I survived it !-- Trying to find my mind so I Can Maybe B-Real today --- Maybe not ?-- Right now I'm nursing a pipe still trying to get body parts to move some -
Nothing special just old man aches and pains-- I loosen up - Sometimes
I was thinking Gloman should breed some seed to that Frank's Gift or whichever high CBD he got or Rose or Umbra - Somebody? -- I'm be needing me a top notch high CBD -- Then I remembered was it NOV talking about a clone shipping container ?-- Dude we know how to do that already ? - Yo Gloman about that high CBD ?- - I ain't ready yet !
That's funny Toolman !