Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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I am not sticking my head out that door ! - Wind blowing hard - Ya'll trying trick me into getting hit in da face on my birthday!- U should be ashamed of yourselves !- I ain't doing it !-
I burn one right here !- Well a pipe !

Find the cost of freedom - buried in the ground !
Good morning yall!
WOW was it windy last night!
Nice n calm this morning tho but its Cold.
I'm setting up pots for next grow this morning.
I had Just enuff soil on hand for 5-7gal and 1-10gal pots.
I'm thinking Ill go with the G.O. go box this time for my nutes.
Lets TRY to follow the instructions this time. Doh!!!
Good to see U come around Hollowpoint -- There were times when I was in my 20s that I felt like an old fart -- I need to get some those speedy sativas I hear talk of -- My indicas just melt U !-- Couch lock ?- No U become the couch !-- I need to make a supply run myself Gloman -- The wind calmed here too - It was blowing hard - We on the way back to low 90s today - I need my scooter to be running - Looks like I'm be needing a carburetor!
For now -
Canned Heat -Blind Faith - Cream - Humble Pie -- We going old school again today!-
Thanks decree I survived it !-- Trying to find my mind so I Can Maybe B-Real today --- Maybe not ?-- Right now I'm nursing a pipe still trying to get body parts to move some -
Nothing special just old man aches and pains-- I loosen up - Sometimes
Thanks decree I survived it !-- Trying to find my mind so I Can Maybe B-Real today --- Maybe not ?-- Right now I'm nursing a pipe still trying to get body parts to move some -
Nothing special just old man aches and pains-- I loosen up - Sometimes
Morning OFC

Hey Keef
We see that LOL
Kick up them feet Brother
I was thinking Gloman should breed some seed to that Frank's Gift or whichever high CBD he got or Rose or Umbra - Somebody? -- I'm be needing me a top notch high CBD -- Then I remembered was it NOV talking about a clone shipping container ?-- Dude we know how to do that already ? - Yo Gloman about that high CBD ?- - I ain't ready yet !

That's funny Toolman !
Morning OFC! Chilly out there today again. Suppose to warm up by early evening for a bit. Might get out and take a stroll then. Guess I'm feelin a little better. Slept well at least.

I was thinking Gloman should breed some seed to that Frank's Gift or whichever high CBD he got or Rose or Umbra - Somebody? -- I'm be needing me a top notch high CBD -- Then I remembered was it NOV talking about a clone shipping container ?-- Dude we know how to do that already ? - Yo Gloman about that high CBD ?- - I ain't ready yet !

That's funny Toolman !

Really? That's what you remember after partying on your birthday hurricane?
Good Morning OFC!! Cold, rainy showers, so much for spring!
Keef- I fashioned some out of paper towel tubes and wax. But I'm still confused as to how you expect me to find these super rare mega monster bud yielding Canadia genetic freaks. This quest shall not be an easy one!
Partying on my birthday ?-- Mane when U trying to crawl out the control of the PTSD demons a birthday don't mean chit !
Tetraploid Marijuana ? U start with Billy Budd seed and clones - He only sell to Canadians with some kind of license-- He won't ship out of Canada !- Those people can buy the Pink Kush from him !-- The UBC Chemo this one be hard to find ! -- With so many normal varieties I thought I maybe would go up town with breeding Tetraploids !--
I want to make my own but the more the merrier !-- I got a theory bout something too !-- I needs to know !
I still have Frank Gift seed.
When I can start another grow after what I have now I'm going to make a bunch of feminized F.G. seed with C.S. I found a bottle here but its not strong enuff so I'm gonna buy a stronger suspension. If I had a PPM meter I'd just make my own.
Gloman they only cost about $10 -- PPM pen - I got a blue one somewhere -- I gotta have one - I don't use it much but when I need it -- I need it ! -- U know I'm be wanting about a coffee can full of feminized seed for my tetra project ?- So it would be great to have someone around who knew how so they could teach me !-- If I'm kill 999 out of a thousand sprouts that survivor is gonna be a dam girl !--
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