Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Good deal Gloman !-- I think some them other BBSL crosses are even better !-- Especially now U inside !-- I also got that NightShade- bred to a boy had Mazar-i-Sharif for a momma and that BBSL as a dad -- NS- x- ( MZR- x- BBSL)- U know how them big Ole fan leaves on that NS cross hid a lot of bud ?- I think this fixed that - Tell LisaBelinda I said hello !
I wasn't sure she was gonna make it up there !- Good for both of U !
Have U run that SD-x- BBSL ( SD = Snow Desiel ) inside yet ?-- U need to do that ! - U take her to amber ?--She'll melt U !

That BB developing some blueberry yet ?
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Fricken Ouch...for the last several weeks I’ve been nursing a back issue and as it felt like it was improving, I needed to do a few things this week getting ready for spring...Well it just took me bending over slightly wrong I guess and now I’m back down again...I’ve never had back issues like this before and it sucks...I bent over and could not get up so I just sat down...had to crawl to my truck and use it to pull myself up...I hope this is not all life has to offer an old fart like me...
Sorry for complaining...
No I haven't been able to run that snow diesel inside yet.

BB King still smells strong of fuel. She has slowed down but no amber trichs yet. Almost all still clear.
I'm hoping after a cure that blueberry comes out.

I was losing hope of her actually coming out here but she did!
She has a place close to me so we get to do the geezer romance dance. lol
Gotta tell ya, its NOTHING like when we was young! lmao
Sorry about your back bro.
I had problems like that some years ago. Ya gotta just let it heal bro. If ya strain it before your healed you start all over again.
Took me a couple years to heal and build my strength up enuff to live normal.
Best of luck to ya bro. Don't be afraid to use a muscle relaxer.
Good deal Gloman !-- Enjoy each other's company --
RE - Dam Cuz !-Quit doing that !- - I'm lucky my back is good -- Well up to the neck anyway !-- I got some mental funk going on today -- Not woe is me mental funk -- Just outta sorts chit !-
Gloman is right about having to stop and heal up some or U just make it worse and last longer !
That hurts so damn much RE, i am sorry you have that. Ice 20 min on 20 min off. Try to take a few steps, get a cane for support, when you lay down do some pelvic tilts to loosen up the muscles then ..... when you can in a day or so pull those knees up to your chest for a little stretch. Rest, Ice, exercise. This was my mantra for 20 years with the chiropractor. I was on the floor once for 10 days. Don't do that, keep moving. If you don't have leg pain that is good news. Sorry you didn't know you had two wives.
That’s funny Rose...I live in a senior community and it seems I have several wives around here...Well mostly I have honeydoo lists from various neighbor ladies...I don’t mind too much but sometimes they get a little presumptuous...(did I spell that right)ain’t doin no honeydoo today...I got alternating heat and ice pack going now...I’m not the kind who can stay down for long...I got stuff need doing...
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Ok, what is this? received_273334226902914.jpeg
Nick - I don't think I want to know !-- Looks like rat chit but ???- Does it move ?-- Can U wipe it off ?-- Only on one leaf ?
Bug Eggs usually won't wipe off easy ! -
Only one leaf had 'em and I didn't get to see it. Just the picture. I think that's eggs
When I posted that poem the other day --- The Speech of the High One ? -- I was gonna explain Odin's dark path to wisdom but maybe I should leave that alone ?- I freak U out enough ! -- Good and Evil are modern standards - Back then it was Order verse Chaos - Some have a problem with Evil things being done for good ?- Or goodness that is used for evil ?That just don't register to most ?- Ying and Yang ?- How could we have good if we didn't have evil as a comparison ?
Wanna get high and watch me shoot sparks out my fingertips ?-- Yep !- Other Keef got TOO high again !
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Frustrating not being able to care for your grow !-- I'm about ready to take a detour and by pass east Texas all together - I just feel my future lives up closer to Austin !
That looks like rodent poop to me RE. I don't see any eggs. I wrote p o o p and the censors got it.
Me and the auto censor got an understanding -- I don't talk nasty and it stays dahell out my way -- I got his number !- If it censors me I go back and edit it - run some words together to get around it -- I would be offended if I typed poop (po-op ) and it censored it -- I would have to go around it !--It's a matter of principal !-- Rat chit - rat chit - rat chit !
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I wasn't trying to say it was do do Nick -- U just gotta keep that auto censored in line !-- Who does he think he is ?--He ain't the boss of me !
Over in the troll battleground where I go - They got no censor or moderator -- Me and Other Keef alone and totally unleashed doing battle in the mist of their camp !- It's a beautiful thing !-- Yea though I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death - I will fear no evil !
Keef butchering quotes from the bible and no lighting bolt ?-- I probably know that book better than most !- I know the history all the way back to the Council of Nycea when they put the 1st part together !- all do way up to the King James version for the new book - Chit I am even familiar with some the forbidden books - Mighta been a good reason to keep some out - Like the book of Enoch !-
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