Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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I know, it’s not Christmas yet but it’s around the corner...

Good morning y'all!
We rolled the clocks back last night but my dog didn't get the memo. Barney has an internal clock as accurate as a Timex when it comes to chow time. lol
I don't understand the reasoning behind "daylight savings time". We live in a 24hr society and farmers don't care about time on a clock.
Good morning OFC. 7am. lol RE. Nice Xmas tree.
of8 I forgot the other day, to tell you I grew up in MA. What part of MA do you live in. North, South, East, or West? I grew up North, East corner of MA on the coast. The ocean was so much fun. Well, have a good day OFC.
i am in central mass, ness. mrs fogey and i go to hampton or salisbury beach in the summer. nice to be able to drive for 45 mins and be at the beach. water is a bit on the freeeeeeeezinng side but we like to be at the beach.

the fogeys did bong hits of 'not-yet-fully-cured' green crack and watched schitts creek last night. pretty good combo. there is hope for my seedy weed...
Morning O.F.C.!-- Seedy weed is better than no weed !-- I know where the Fogeys could find a reasonable priced beach house !-- It's nice if U can take the heat !-- I don't think we made it down to freezing last year !-- I heard we had Snow once !-- Mostly it just stays hot !-- Speaking Spanish would be a plus ! -- U ever lived in a police state ?
We got stationary and mobile border patrol check points !-- They got dogs that'll drop a dime on U for holding !-- All the law dog's got helicopters they bought with thier share of money confiscated under the RICO law !-- They ain't that interested in stopping stuff coming in but they do like catching money going south !-- Still U gotta keep your arrest numbers up so U can justify the new law dog toys !-- Simple possession fills that need !-- Take U to jail and book U for a roach !
Come on down !
Good morning OFC

Dang Keef, get the hell outta there if you can. Life is too short. :)

Your new grow will be more fun and less stressful I am sure.

Have a GREAT day everyone!
Burnin1 -- I get by !-- I figure if I can grow in a situation like this ?-- They best not give me some wiggle room ! -- Seems to me if I don't get caught by the time the law changes I'm be hard to stop !-- Ain't many experienced growers around !-- If it doesn't change in this Congress after the 1st of the year I'm prepared to find friendlier ground !
thx keef but i think i will stay away from texas for a bit. jail is not for me. btw-cannabis has been legal for recreational use in massachusetts for almost 3 years. you know how many stores i can go to buy weed? zero. still! damned bureaucraps delaying while they figure out how to make more money for themselves.
There's a lot of Texas money sitting on the sidelines waiting for a sign the law will change !-- I'd be happy if they just quit hunting us so hard but I do see opportunity !-- I'm not looking for a place to buy weed !
Good morning OFC. Legal weed is here in Cali, I NEVER buy weed at a store and I have no interest in being part of the commercial growers I've met.
Prohibition is all I've ever known !-- At one time back in the day I supplied 3 dealers so I could get by in a "Grey area " if they would just ease up some-- but --I'm in this situation so why not shoot for a commercial spot ?-- This a big state !
It's not like I'm looking for some other growers to hang out with !-- I kinda got that covered !
I bought weed legally once in Amsterdam a few years ago. I didn’t think it was as good as I grow. I will buy something when they finally open a store or 2 here but just because i’d like to buy some legal weed in Massachusetts. And maybe try out someone else’s doobage. I think I have smoked someone else’s grass 1 time in the last 3 years. I don’t really have friends that smoke. Or many friends for that matter...
Good morning friends, good to get caught up with all ya all. I do enjoy buying a preroll to taste other things, like Tangie, now I need tangie. ha
Thanks alasgun, sometimes i think, who do i think I am staying awake all night trying to figure out what is best for this little boy. BUT, people are noticing his change in behavior, like his grandparents and teachers... I had no idea it would help autism. His mother is wanting to go all activist but i say wait until people can get this stuff, not the hemp that didn't work.
Good morning ness, nice to see you. I bet you miss that ocean. So good to see you guys, i missed each of you.
I thought after my head injury that the doctor was complementing me ! -- Telling me I had artistic traits !-- That ain't what he was saying after all !-- Hurt my feelings!
I been reviewing my notes and stuff about my Tetraploid project !--- I figure I'm one generation away from a feminized seed run - !-- I'll count on U guys to keep me straight on the feminized seed thing !-- I know there is a lot of resistance to genetically modified stuff !-- This will he 100% weed !-- It can't get loose in the wild and spread !-- It will breed itself out of existence after the first generation !
It's called genetic doubling !-- If my formula is perfect I have a 1 in 1,000 chance of success !-- I was at this for a year starting a group of 50 seed or so every 2 weeks !-- I'm close enough !-- My plan is simply to overwhelm the odds with numbers !-- I'll start 1,000 seed every 2 weeks !-- More than 2 live my formula is too weak!-- U got to take them sprouts to the edge of death and reel them back !-- There is a solution that interfere with the way a cell replicates !-- The DNA replicates itself as a cell begins to divide the trick is to get both sets of DNA into a single cell !-- Only problem is that chemical is a weed killer !-- Getting the right strength into the cells so it does it's magic then leaching it out without killing the plant ain't easy !-- Most heard this chit before !-- If U haven't then look up the story of UBC Chemo and Dr. David Suzuki !-- That process is what I been after !
I think I want to use Snow Lotus as the dad !
Good afternoon O.F.C. been a beautiful day here in PNW.
Hey Ness, Oldfogey, I also grew up in Mass. I still go back to visit and fish strippers but you could never drag me away from the rainforests of the P.N.W.
Keef buddy good time for you to get the place sold and get the Hell out Texas...
I'm puffin on some Nurse Larry right now join me if you can !!
Cane - I got some original Nurse Larry seed and some F2 also !-- I'll be growing her again !-- but Cuz -- I did stuff and thangs to her !-- I got NL-X-BBSL!-- I got (NL-x- BBSL) - x BB King-- I got (NL-X-BBSL) -x- BOC -- There can be only one !
I never have known any other way than prohibition !-- If they don't give me some wiggle room after the 1st of the year I might bust a move !-- Oklahoma said OK weed is legal ya'll work it out !-- Not a pretty sight !-- I really don't want to go to the southeast-- They get too many hurricanes and I'm done with hurricanes !-- So I just wait and see !-- I'll have a pretty good idea which way the wind blows after election !-- Right now I need to move some stuff outta the master suite -- I got a power roller -5 gallons of paint and a mess of painter's tape coming in about 2 weeks !-- It'll be after the 1st of the year before I get this place together !-- Maybe longer !--Property values about to spike !- I may do well !--One way or another -- I should be growing again by spring !-- Maybe starting with clones from outta state -- Bred here grown there then Green Santa away !---Coming home ! -- I got plenty to keep me busy !-- There's seed to probably a dozen B.B. King crosses alone !-- Then the BOC crosses !-- I think I'm off the beaten path ?
Gloman !-- How much bubble weight did U get ?-- My guess is somewhere between 12 and 16 OZ !-- Could hit a pound easy but your old one handed self got tired of trimming !

I'll take a bacon cheeseburger made on one those split in half Krispy Kreme donuts for the bun !-- and some spicy fries !-- Not what I'm having !- but sounds good !
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My youngest little baby girl is having a baby girl of her own!!! This will be my 6th grandchild...we are a prolific bunch I guess... today we found out she’s gonna be a cute little girl and not a rotten little boy...and she has a decent chance of arriving on or near my birthday this spring...
Good morning y'all.
I'm still getting my supplies together on the hash.
I have around 40 lbs. of fresh frozen bud material for it so I'm guessing there will be a Lot.
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