OF, i was afraid that was pollen. We have been so bad around here for weeks. The rain the other night helped. Is that off an evergreen by chance?
Puddin is about 2 hours away, lol. Much closer than Cali.Good morning, that sounds awesome Umbra, sounds like Umbra is moving.... How far apart are your son and puddin?
OF, i was afraid that was pollen. We have been so bad around here for weeks. The rain the other night helped. Is that off an evergreen by chance?
Ness, how are you? I am sitting here in my jammies after cleaning up the family room and transplanting some solo cups to 1 gallon pots. Thinking another joint and a nap sound good bout now.
Good to see all you guys today!
good morning all, Ness, I am so sorry. It is so hard. She was lucky to have you as her mom, that is for sure.
Nice, do you not use a cpap? You better get one, we kinda like having you here alive. It is going to get hot for a couple of days then cool down for a bit. Thinking i need to make sure my plants have enough of what the need to get thru this first hot
Yes Rose having fun. Duke gardens in Durham , NC