Zig --There's a time to back off and cool off before U go off !- -Stay dahell outta jail -OK ?-- We miss U when U gone too !- I forget -- What is it U growing again ?- How are those LEDs working for U ?- Have U run a bloom cycle under them yet ?--
I been listening to lots of Pink Floyd today - Gonna be hot and dry tomorrow so yard work - If I can talk Other Keef into it ?- Dam trouble making stoner right there -- He was over there saying Squeal like a pig !-- Then it got ugly !- Good Times !-
I been listening to lots of Pink Floyd today - Gonna be hot and dry tomorrow so yard work - If I can talk Other Keef into it ?- Dam trouble making stoner right there -- He was over there saying Squeal like a pig !-- Then it got ugly !- Good Times !-