Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Morning OFC !-- Ugh! -- I feel old !-
- Other Keef went on a tear yesterday and this morning -- He bad !- I gave him 30 days in the hole ! -- If I can keep him locked up !-- I really try but it's out my system for now !--
Zig -- The ex did 12 hour weekend nights shifts forever -- 3 --12s a week -- work the least and get paid the most !-- U can't do 5-- 12 hour shifts a week --Sure U may be able to do it for a couple weeks but -- Physically it will wear U down and you'll get sick !-- Tell them 3 a week or find something else !

In the high 40s low 50s at the beach -- Little beat up and filling my age but I get by !-- Trying to get hold of my dog groomer -- Cuz needs a buzz !
Good morning all, Zigggy you do what you need to do honey. I couldn't do a 12 hour shift for a lot of money. The insurance is a big deal. Can you get it thru the school? That is probably an old outdated deal.
Nick, i bet it is pretty at your house this morning, gods country and all. Almost heaven anyway.

So remember the kids i picked up at the dispensary. lol, they are one month clean. He is going to ride his bike over and help us in the yard today. They both got jobs...Phewy they are both ADD and hyper... He is easier to get to know, he is only 25 and got out of prison for taking drugs across a state line. He did 3 years ( in the south). She is like a meth head and wears me out fast. She is 35, but they are working their recovery. I smoke pot and cheer for them. lol
Back yard done, 50 roses to go.
That sounds rough Zigg! I have friends who drive for Uber and GrubHub and they make great money. You'll have to fund your own insurance though for sure and it'll be pricey. You work when you want tho. MAybe call and get some rates and devise a battle plan before pulling the trigger?
Hey Rose ! -- Nasty pretty much describes the weather here but my face is doing fine -- Having some coffee and nursing a pipe -- That's great about the kids !-- Good luck to them !
Got the Allman Brothers Band on -- Went from Sweet Melissa right into Whipping Post !-- Need to loosen up my left arm - or put it in a sling -- It doesn't hurt it just don't work right sometimes !
Methane ice is tricky to handle -- Only occurs naturally at cold Temps and high pressure --Deep in the oceans -- bring it up or warm it up and the Methane comes out -- Controlling that reaction would be critical - They can't do it yet on a commercial scale !-
The planet warms up enough all that methane gonna come out of solution and humanity have to start over --If anybody survives ?

Hey I got another mystery for ya !-- U know what that white stuff on top of Chicken Chit is ?--
More chicken chit !
Watching this Texas congress act is like watching grass grow !-- I think they gonna do that decriminalization bill for small amounts -- They'll probably still put growers in jail but there will be many more trying to grow and lots of inferior weed around !-- Prohibition Light is what I see ?
There's still a chance they'll open up that mmj law ?-- So nothing really changes for me - I stay hid which a grow should be anyway for security if nothing else -- When I see where I'm be growing I probably get U guys to help me design the grow!-- I hope to be in East Texas soon but they got the flu so I'd rather wait !--I'm really not that excited about going back to the Piney Woods but looks like that's my only option till this place is sold -- I guess I just need to get over there and see what he's done and what needs to be done ?--
U give a man a fish -- U feed him for a day -- Teach the man to fish and U feed him for a lifetime !
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