Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Yep !-- Shattered my face on the concrete floor -- Took 6 hours of surgery to bolt Ole Keef's face back together -- most of the left cheek is gone -- Traumatic Brain Injury -- bulged 3 disc in my neck so the left arm doesn't work well all the time -- Had to run away from the hospital to get help after my fall -I got the - PTSD from dat chit ! -- Then the mind bender doctors got ahold of me said I couldn't go back to the OR cause I seen too much blood- guts and death for one lifetime -- even if my body was up to it !--
Dude I didn't see this post until now. That's fucking crazy! I'm doubly sorry about your fall. I hope you are well taken care of.
Morning OFC !-- Cold wet nasty and raining at the beach --

Nov --say he hope I'm well taken care of because of my fall ?
No I wasn't Cuz !-- I was thrown out like a broken tool --Don't look too close or U just might see what it's like-- to have to lose !
The judge in his wisdom over rode both lawyers to decide that if I could help around the house some-- then I could get a job folding clothes and therefore was not disabled at all ! -- Red Neck Judge-- and I had a braid hanging down my back -- His mind had been made up since 1st he saw me !

U know what time it is ?-- Wake and Bake time !-- Let's do this day !-- 123 medicate -- repeat !
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Hey all, hope you all are doing good...this will be a family rant so feel free to skip ahead if you wish...
My wife’s nephew has had a disfunctional life...his mother is an alcoholic drug addict and his father was an a$$hole who did nothing but belittle him...we’ve been trying to help him find a leg up and get started in life...he’s 21 years, lost his dad about a year and a half ago, mother is disfunctional as well...has no job, is about to lose her home. The nephew works at a pizza house for minimum wage...we tried having him stay with us but we live in a senior only neighborhood and he’s already been kicked out of here...he stayed with his cousin(my stepson) for about a year but wore out his welcome there...now he rotates among his friends but I’m sure that’s getting old for everyone involved...he has a car that was given to him by his mother but it needs insurance and registration which he seems incapable of setting up...we’ve tried walking him through that and even helping him do it but he just won’t help himself...he spends most all his money on fast food, Uber and friends so when we proposed an insurance plan, he had no money...we hate to do it but we are about to walk away as we cannot seem to help him or get him to help himself...My wife has always had a great relationship with him but even she can’t seem to get thru to him...it’s like if someone else won’t do it for him, it’s just not going to happen...Sorry bout the rant...I just don’t know how to help him when he won’t help himself...
Sometimes a good rant is just what the doctor ordered. The wife and I have had the same problem with two of the kids and now one of the grand kids.I myself took a long time to grow up and get my life straight, But if you don't ask the wife I'm better now. Best of luck to you, You can only do so much.
Good morning yall!
I'm Back! (so?) lol
Its COLD again! And its raining!
Keef! Just cuz you cold don't mean you gotta send it up here too! lol. Was 61 2 days ago. Probably mid 30s right now.
Yeah, I learned Long ago not to face a judge unless I looked like him. Cut my hair, stand up straight, clean cut and proper speech. THAT's what saved me from 3 consecutive 21yr sentences. Runnin wild!
I hate playing their game but I like to win.
What we starting with this morning?
I think Ill do a mix of NS X BBSL and Frank's Gift.
My aunt has been in the hospital so I been getting my steps in.
Her room is about as far as you can get from parking and no shuttles. lol. May be by design!
More business if ppl have a heart attack walking that far! lol
I haven't caught up yet so I hope everybody is doing good.
Ill catch up later.
I hope it turns out good for ya brother! With the boom going on there I bet you do ok.
We old, don't take the Tajmahaul(sp) to make us happy. A good safe place to do as you please is all we need.
This has been a rough winter on everybody!
Went back to bed !
Gloman-- They take everything I got I still know how to grow weed and make liquor ?-- It is beginning to look like something will change in Texas just don't know how !
The nephew over there buying weed to feed his growing market -- I told hom no dude we can do better than this -- I'll grow it U move it !-- So I got a travel trailer and that gutted mobile home as a grow site -- I got power --water and a place to live and a place to grow and I got my seed --I'll be OK !---Got some plants that are already up waiting for me ! - I think it is colder now than it was earlier !
Gloman I didn't know who the judge was and it was right after we moved back to Texas after Katrina -- I guess he just saw me as one of those lesser refugees from the swamp -- He went out of his way to make sure I didn't get disability !
That's really messed up.
I got turned down 3 times for disability.
I guess they thought a 1 handed mechanic could still compete in the auto repair game. Not much call for 1 handed mechanics. lol
Did I tell U this new grow site comes with it's own security system -- Here name is "Fancy " Big Brown and white pit bull -- Me and her is buddies already -- I can't see having a problem with people snooping around ?-- But I still want that little commercial grow with those girls in Austin !
G-- That was my third time to be turned down for disability !-- I should have received it even the states lawyer agreed- Judge said no !-- Most looking at a future like that might have bitten a bullet and ended it -- But I didn't !
Greta Van Fleet --" Highway Tune "
It's not my fault I like my music when I'm high !-- It's just the nature of the beast !
Still raining but the pressure in my face has eased up some
Good morning all. Ness, wow girl you got it going on, good for you! Keef, I sure am glad things are working out for you.
Bud and i cleaned up the little back yard, now it is time to do the front. oh i hope i am up for it. The muscles are talking to me, like is it really this time again.
Morning Rose! I hope you meet your goals today!

Keef- I made some pasta with that oil. I used a 1/4 cup to a pound. I felt it over ride the wax buzz and then I never picked up my nectar collector again all night! Not even for a taste!!
Hey Rose !- Gonna be a busy spring !--U better help Bud on that outside grow !
Nov -- It's a nice buzz -- I try to keep the pipe within reach but I don't smoke near as much as I did before I started eating decarb -- I just like to measure a dose a little better so I just take the oil or pack some caps-- I might want 2 or 3 brownies when one is a dose and I forgot -- I get too high too easy on an oral dose !-- I have the caps then 2 or 3 regular brownies !
Good morning Old Folks. Yesterday I did some gardening. I did some defoliating and I pulled 5 males that had shown themselves. I have 7 left, three Colorado Cookies, one BPU cross, one bag seed that came from a great bag of forum weed, and three freebies called Sugarface. I'd throw up a picture but my phone pic files are too large to post and I'm to lazy to go through the process of resizing. 55 days or so, and counting!
Mining the miners !-- Oh come on Nick I know U want in on that !-- Magic water will fix everything !-- I do one better than that -- I'll hire me a priest to turn mine into holy water !-- U can't beat that ?
I'm be pumping and moving water but I don't need something like that !-
Holy Water = Holy Weed -- Don't make me bring God into this !
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