Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Go Bud !-- Have U been able to identify that Nurse Larry terp profile ?-- She a prize !-- If I can ever get these seed off to U I think U gonna like them too !-- I don't know why I got a wild hair and started chunking pollen but I did -- and as usual I don't know bout this word "moderation"-- I might have seed to a couple dozen crosses to grow out and see what I did -- With parents like they had potency is a given --I just gotta grow them out and see what interesting terp profiles I find !-- When U a cloner it's all about the one plant !-- Probably take me a year to sort this stuff out !
Edit :-- U know that part where I said I was just gonna make a few seed with that chocolate boy ?-- Well I got more than I wanted !-- I think Nick can feel me about now he had a boy get loose too !-- Won't be no shortage of Blueberry Chocolate seed !
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That can be arranged Grandpa !-- Let me get things straightened out and we'll talk !-- I got some waiting to send to Bud !-- I'm indica heavy ! -- Gloman test growing some stuff for me !-- Ness too !-- How long till U ready to plant ?
Grandpa I don't have many high CBD seed maybe someone else got some to spare!-- I do got a breeding pair of CBD Crew's Indica -x- Valentine -- If I find a way outta this with some live plants I'm breed a mess of seed !-- Half high CBD and half high THC caps help me !-- I just grind it --decarb it and pack it into gel caps !
Hi guys,
What cha looking for smokingranpa?

Bud, that just makes me very happy. Your plants look great and very happy. It is fun to see the crosses in peeps grow. I want to hear a smoke report on that one that looks straight up Valentine.
Good night all.
Hey Mane-- Is them Q-Anon people at them Mussilini rallies the ones that serve the kool-aid ?-- Freaky -Deaky !- and --I'm the brain damaged one ?-- I'm have to pass on the kool -aid !
Good morning OFC.
Slow starting this morn.
Gonna have me a BLT for breakfast cuz the tomatos are comming in so fast I can't keep up. Don't care where you're from, there just isn't any better tasting tomatos than Illinois home grown. I really don't know why but I'm a foodie from WAY back and I know good chow! lol
I hope y'all have a great day!
Morning O.F.C. -- Ugh !-- Wake and Bake then back to the search for a place to grow --
Gloman I wonder if Tomatos would ferment ?-- Call it Bloody Mary ?-- Little hot sauce and a celery stick ?
Umbra -- Let me guess -- It's gonna be hot again today ?
Same here !
You bet they do!
I got to taste a real wine makers tomato wine and it was Really good. Didn't taste like tomato at all. More like an expensive hoity toity richy rich wine.
Just made 6qts of bread n butter pickles. Make the whole place smell yummy!
G -- I sampled my Blueberry wine yesterday and it still got a little sweetness to it so I'm let it keep working -- I like to run it till it is DRY - No sweetness left at all -- Then I sweeten it at the end !-- It's good wine as it is but I'm in no hurry !-- I'm copy that little still when I get settled !
Still got a brain fog this morning -- Feel like I'm high or something !
Good morning, OFC. I gotta give you all a collective thanks (again)for your great advice and help. Mrs Fogey and I sucessfully travelled. I was able to bring some bud and brownies in my checked luggage. I even got a nice note from the TSA saying they searched my luggage. LOL. Searched but left my brownies alone and didn't find the bud. I gave my brother in law the buds and he was like 'you grew this? My friends are going to be wondering where I got the stinky bud'. Very happy to be able to share and happy with positive feedback. Thanks again.
Morning OFC going to be a beautiful day here in PNW. .
Seeds are popping have two Blackjack up still waiting on the Papaya...
Oldfogey glad to hear that your travels turned out well. .
Good morning all! I want a BLT too, nothin like home grow maters. My favorite. My dad liked them so well mom would peel a MIXING bowl size for him for dinner, he ate them all summer.
OF, that is awesome. I think i am hungry, now i want brownies too. Glad your trip was a success.
I just worked out, did I tell you my trainer can't see us old folks? My heart was broken, but I bought some weights and I can do most of it here. bummer but good. Cooling to the high 80's today, i will be in the garden.
Good afternoon guys!

It is so smoky out today you cannot see the tree tops.

Yosemite has been closed due to this fire. So sad.


Stay cool!
Keep your eyes on it Burnin1 and get out of U need to !-- Yo Cuz -- I'm putting together that Green Santa seed run -- U want some seed grown and bred defiantly in the belly of the beast --right under the jack boot of prohibition?-- Ask the Gloman how they be !-- Some crosses never even been grown yet ! --
Good deal Burnin1 !-- I just realized I had never offered !--
One day maybe I can grow without worrying about getting caught !-- Hard for me to even imagine what U guys in the free states got !-- I hope to experience that freedom one day myself in my land ! -- Blackberry Fire ?-- My boy Waldo was a Black Berry Snow Lotus and Cuz he brought the fire !
Ok. so I got really stoned last night on some Sour Diesel and was tripping out. I watched that video I posted in the news again about the Alabama Police chief arrested for weed. For some reason I started laughing so hard it hurt. I could not stop laughing. Literally I could not stop myself from laughing. I overdo the Sativas sometimes. ha ha
I used to love growing my Sour D, but man some sativas do this to me and I cannot sleep after smoking them.

I have not grown any sour diesel this year. For sure I will grow some next year.. :D
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