Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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You guys watch too much TV. LOL

Believe it or not, there are more important things to talk about than what's on the TV news.

Family, friends, neighbors?

I can just imagine my Father, who was born in 1916 and grew up hard, lost a brother to starvation in the depression, went to war and killed people face to face with his bare hands in the name of his country..... sitting around right now giving 2 shits about what is being "Tweeted". LMAO He worried about providing a good home for his family and being a good Father and a good husband.

Don't you people spend any time doing those things? or, do you just watch the TV news? LMAO Sad.

I don't know, maybe, just somebody might want to talk about their family. Or, their Father and what a great Father he was. Or, your children.

Nope, gotta be whatever is on the TV news.

One word..... sheeple.


Turn it off.

Hack, you really have no idea what all of us do with the time we're not posting here. We all have family, we all have or had or are moms and dads and spend as much time as possible with family. If we're smart though we also pay attention to what is going on in the world around us and we'd be pretty stupid not to don't ya think. We have, and Probably always have had, dangerous men and women in positions of power so it might be a good idea to watch and try our best to keep them in check.
By the by, my dad was in ww2 as well and he sure as hell cared about who was in the government then and since and he cast his vote every time he could.
The scoot runs !-- I was sheepling all up and down that beach !-- It's a hard job !--Hell hot out there !-- I be keeping an eye on that storm brewing out there too !-- They do updates on this show called "The News" -- That storm get anywhere near me I pass all ya'll headed to see Bud !--Like it or not I needs to know what is happening in this world ! --
Keef, I would say nutes are a tad high. Tips of leaves show burning, but otherwise excellent.
Yep they a little hot Umbra !--It's that bloom booster I use !-- I was using 6 mils per gallon of my bloom nutes and D.D. bought me some Tiger Bloom !-- I started using 3 mils of each and that's a little too much !
I just added a gallon of RO water when I saw the tips !-- Night Shade be sensitive to that stuff !
Can you figure out how i can get a bit of spinodad dust in the very heart of the flower starting to form? An old ketchup bottle and make a cloud? I have eggs in there.
2re, glad you are here, glad you are all here.
I always had a little Turn And Burn Keef,,but my girls turned out great. Yours look sweet. Yehaaaaaaaaa
Can you figure out how i can get a bit of spinodad dust in the very heart of the flower starting to form? An old ketchup bottle and make a cloud? I have eggs in there.
2re, glad you are here, glad you are all here.

10ml syringe with large needle?
Hack, you really have no idea what all of us do with the time we're not posting here. We all have family, we all have or had or are moms and dads and spend as much time as possible with family. If we're smart though we also pay attention to what is going on in the world around us and we'd be pretty stupid not to don't ya think. We have, and Probably always have had, dangerous men and women in positions of power so it might be a good idea to watch and try our best to keep them in check.
By the by, my dad was in ww2 as well and he sure as hell cared about who was in the government then and since and he cast his vote every time he could.
Hackerman knows,,he is a Hacker. He has been watching us with our own camera's. :smoke1:
Don't laugh Hopper one day soon you'll be wanting some syringes for your junkie plants !-- Did I tell ya'll when we first met D.D. was in LVN school and they had to learn to give injections !-- She was squeamish about sticking someone with a needle !-- I had to take her hand in mine and show her how to use a needle !
Wasn't long I was running from the woman !- Come here I need to practice ! -- Got to catch me first !-- We done did this !-- I ain't playing !-- Put the syringe down !--
Afternoon. Not Diggin the vibe. I voted for Trump also. I am a member of Sons of Confederate Veterans who does not condone Violence and Hate. Coming here today make me feel like a Bigot, I am out.
It's not U Hippy it is how others see that flag !-- My people fought on both sides of that war !-- Hell we was here for the revolutionary war !-- My family fought in every war the US has been in since the beginning and we were there at The Battle of San Jacinto when Texas won independence !-- What flag should I fly as my heritage ?
I do not care what flag you fly. To answer a question on who flew the flag. It was me. And Guess what the Family Member I had. Was a German Immigrant. That's right I am half German/ Cherokee.
No and If you read my previous post from days ago you would have never ask. **** it I am Out.
Don't know what I missed ?-- About civil war re-enactments ? -- That's fine but U know some people see that flag not much different than the swastika ! -- To some it represents a time when it was O.K. for one people to own another people !--
Didnt know any of these morons that are protesting were ever slaves. :rofl:
They must be playing Video games and getting confused.
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