Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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ok attacking each other personally isn't going to work here. We can speak our truth to hate but not hate each other. Keef has just as much right as you do here.
Wh, this is so not about who won! this is about a man that courts white supremacists. This is about standing up for hate.This is not republican vs democrate this is a man supported by racists. If you are not outraged you aren't paying attention.
Call me a snowflake, i don't care. I hate bigots period. Trump is a bigot period. He hates muslims, mexicans, etc.. deal with it. This is not about hilary or barack. I would hug George W bush right now and invite him back into the presidency. I truly feel that if you still support this liar then yes you are bigots. Tell me i am wrong.

As far as your history or heritage, i come from a long line of racists. I choose not to be one.
One would be hard pressed to find a politician who was not a liar. They all say whatever is needed to win the support of the group they are wooing. The better ones try to deliver on their promises even if they may be frivolous such as building a wall, others just follow their own agenda and forget everyone else. I'm praying for the politican that doesn't serve special interest but instead follows the will of the people. The majority of the people. Right or wrong. The will of the majority is the foundation of democracy. At least that is what I was taught. I think.
WH, if you can't see the truth in that, then yes you are part of the problem.
Unfortunately liars abound in politics and always have.

Lol,,,the truth is,,all politicians are liars,,,so whats new. And yes i am part of the problem,,so are you.Now what. :smoke1:
"The will of the majority is the foundation of democracy" Good point Nick.
ok attacking each other personally isn't going to work here. We can speak our truth to hate but not hate each other. Keef has just as much right as you do here.
Wh, this is so not about who won! this is about a man that courts white supremacists. This is about standing up for hate.This is not republican vs democrate this is a man supported by racists. If you are not outraged you aren't paying attention.
Call me a snowflake, i don't care. I hate bigots period. Trump is a bigot period. He hates muslims, mexicans, etc.. deal with it. This is not about hilary or barack. I would hug George W bush right now and invite him back into the presidency. I truly feel that if you still support this liar then yes you are bigots. Tell me i am wrong.

As far as your history or heritage, i come from a long line of racists. I choose not to be one.

Okay,,,your wrong...lol....im not a bigot,and dont give two shits what you think i am because i voted for Trump,,,.
And by the way ROSE,,i didnt start this crap. I havent mention Politics untill Keef did.
My heart was doing just fine talking about weed and not politics on a Marijuana forum.
And please dont judge my heart because i dont agree with your views,,thats not right eather Rose
This bullshit is why i have practically begged ppl to leave politics off this Forum.
You contributed hate and personal attacking. This is a big deal. the american people are not at peace. It is good to have a dialog. I am sick over the 32 year old woman that was killed. And yes, i think her death is on trumps hands. Just ask the white nationalist. they agree that he is their best friend. Please no more personal attacking. I am not attacking you WH, i am just repeating what you have said. And how I feel. I get to do that too.
I didn't start it either, BUT...both Donnie and his father were indicted for racial discrimination by the US government by several different AG's under different Presidents. This is not a political statement, it is actually a fact. Woody Guthrie wrote a song about Donnie's dad's cruelty to the poor and minorities, again a fact and not a political statement.
You guys watch too much TV. LOL

Believe it or not, there are more important things to talk about than what's on the TV news.

Family, friends, neighbors?

I can just imagine my Father, who was born in 1916 and grew up hard, lost a brother to starvation in the depression, went to war and killed people face to face with his bare hands in the name of his country..... sitting around right now giving 2 shits about what is being "Tweeted". LMAO He worried about providing a good home for his family and being a good Father and a good husband.

Don't you people spend any time doing those things? or, do you just watch the TV news? LMAO Sad.

I don't know, maybe, just somebody might want to talk about their family. Or, their Father and what a great Father he was. Or, your children.

Nope, gotta be whatever is on the TV news.

One word..... sheeple.


Turn it off.
I wish i could not care about current events. My dad was born in 1911. Worked his butt off all his life. Loved his later years and the farm he had. My dad picked out the farm he bought in 1954 by taking a shovel with him to all the farms he looked at. He picked the one with the best dirt... pretty cool hug? My folks were married 57 years. They wanted one child and had 5. My mom was the nicest woman i have ever know. Never judged anyone.
I took a young scared girl for an abortion once. It meant a long drive to a big city. My mon had a bed made for her and flowers and water on the night stand so she could rest before she went home. My mother NEVER mentioned her abortion again. She played the organ for church unitl she was 89. I had great parents. Did was a bigot and mom was not. Dad was a bigot until I brough a black couple home from alaska with me... Then they were no more bigots in our home.
How's that Hackerman?

Maybe not the family stuff but hey! Did you see my bud won BOM? And with a sideways pic! Now thats some special bud!
I Just finished mowing my backyard,,now its time for the front.
Not gonna argue with ya anymore Rose,,,cause i love yas,,,no reason to continue this conversation. Gets us no where anyway. Ppl getting hurt feelings,,so what's the point. Besides i would get futher with a brickwall,,,and dont mean the one at the border. Lol Now that was a joke. Time to laugh a little.
Hackerman,,you are right on the money my friend. I havent been watching much news anymore because i am spending time with my Family and working on my house. I had a storage rm added to my house,,extended my back yard by fencing in more of it toward the front,,and tomorrow my carpenter is putting a covered porch on the front of my house.
Dont get me wrong,,,i love my TV at night. I watch Street Outlaws,,oh and Bonanza. Yehaaaaaa
Oh,,and my Father died when i was 11. My Mom raised me and my Sister. She was an awesome Lady. Rose spoke with her a few times before she passed from cancer Sept 18 of this year. I joined the Army when i was 17. Went to Prison twice,,and now i have been married 31yrs and owned my own business for over 20yrs. I have 3 sons,,the oldest 39,the youngest 29,,and my other Son who would be 40,,passed last yr in a car accident. I miss them so much it hurts.
Pardon me !-- Anybody seen my shoe ?-- I had it when .... Nevermind!

I found it,,i ran over it with my Lawnmower. Lol
What size was it,,ill get yas another one.
See if I member whose who ?

1 Snow Desiel


3 Nightshade

4 White Indica !

5 -- My plan for what is listed above !-- New pipe!
Hopper I only had 2 left shoes like that !-- Now what am I gonna do ?

Besides being a world class a hole !-- In my spare time I grow some weed !

Yes you are. :rofl:

And the girls look nice. Yehaaaaaa
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