Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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I have AT&T to my friend. I run several things off my Internet and WIFI. I had to upgrade to more Bandwidth a few yrs ago. They always have away of getting in your pocket. Basterds
Hopper if it was just another stupid KKK-- Neo Confederates or whatever they want to call themselves March it would be bad enough !-- Things are different this time !-- They have the support of the White House !-- I lay this ladies death at the feet of the president !-- The White Racist -- Alt Right -- Bannon and his ilk walk the halls of the White House !-- That is unacceptable and a shamefull endorsement by the President!
bandwidth and ISP's bottlenecking data is a problem. So much so, it is a political issue and can not be discussed here.
Hopper if it was just another stupid KKK-- Neo Confederates or whatever they want to call themselves March it would be bad enough !-- Things are different this time !-- They have the support of the White House !-- I lay this ladies death at the feet of the president !-- The White Racist -- Alt Right -- Bannon and his ilk walk the halls of the White House !-- That is unacceptable and a shamefull endorsement by the President!

#1. The White House don't support them bastids. Period and they never said they did.

#2. The president is not endorsing anybody.

#3. These kinda comments are whats wrong with the free media today.

Morning everyone. I see different day same ****. Put the blame where blame belongs. With the sum guns doing the protesting. No where else.
Nazis should never be allowed to march on American streets !-- Blame the protesters not the white racist who mowed them counter protesters down with a car ?-- That's just all kinds of wrong !-- Of course they feel embolden by Trump !-- David Duke and that type have been proud supporters of Trump !-- They feel he is one of them !-- No he's not gonna publicly endorse them he just does what he did this weekend and not make a big deal outta them killing that woman !--
You may be right. Maybe they shouldn't be allowed to march. But in my opinion you should not be allowed to burn the flag or publicly condemn our president. People do though.
I agree Nick except our forefathers made provisions for such a case as this and called it the 25th ammendment !
Likewise I don't think if you got anything hanging between your legs you should be allowed in a womens toilet and vise a versa. My opinion coincides with probably 90% of the public who choose to remain silent on the subject. A loud few (a portion of the remaining 10%) made a lot of noise and that to me, common sense rule, is being thrown out in a lot of states. Does it make it right? Nope. Should 90% of the public have to suffer so 6% can feel more comfortable? Political correctness is going to be the downfall of this country and politics are going to lead to the closure of this thread. I think we better agree that weeds what we are all about. I got tons of things to rave about if you just want to vent
I want a stable country moving toward the end of prohibition !-- This ain't it !
Please oh please, exulted one, tell me how the 25th amendment applies to Charlottesville? Removing historic monuments to appease a small but vocal part of our population?
No the 25th amendment provides for removing a president who is unable perform the duties of the office !
In this case the issue is the presidents mental issues !-- Who was that said they fly the Confederate flag because it was thier heritage ? -- Glad U didn't have German heritage !
Careful there buddy. My mothers maiden name was Lee and her daddies name was Robert E. (obviously not the origional) but that is my lineage. Does that make me a slaver? Or someone who has racial tendacies. I don't think so.
i'm with st nick, put the blame where it belongs. i'm not a fan of trump, and didn't get who i wanted but i'll say this i'm glad she didn't get it. i'm not entitled to get anything and i'm not gonna lay in the floor kicking, screaming and crying because a liar didn't get the office. i am about tired of seeing all this. let me ask you this. where the hell was you when obummer ran our country into the ground opening up our borders and changing all our rights? where were you when he smoothered out coal and killed many jobs and put people in the unemployment lines? i'll tell you where you were sitting on your a$$ doing nothing while our country was going to piss. now that we have someone trying to make it better, people want to throw a fit and be a cry baby. you know what don't answer it cause i'm not sure i want to come back here to see anymore of this she-i-t.

I'm not trying to start anything with you or anyone else here, but a liar did get in office...just a different one.
Same old shittttt,,differrnt fking day. Crying asss bullshit by a bunch of freaking Snowflakes that cant handle defeat. I actually get out of my house and work and deal with life. You Keef,,set your *** in a house all day watching news and talking ****. Im glad we have a President that is waking this country to fk up. We been asleep way to long while ******* like North Korea develope Nukes,,not to mention giving Billions of dollars to Iran to do the samething. I guess you wont be Happy Keef untill the only ppl left here on MP have your views. Keep it up,,your almost there.
No the 25th amendment provides for removing a president who is unable perform the duties of the office !
In this case the issue is the presidents mental issues !-- Who was that said they fly the Confederate flag because it was thier heritage ? -- Glad U didn't have German heritage !

Speaking of Mental issues.,,,,,im guessing we that voted for Trump are the ones with those problems,,,only us,,right Keef,,,,,:rofl:
i'm with st nick, put the blame where it belongs. i'm not a fan of trump, and didn't get who i wanted but i'll say this i'm glad she didn't get it. i'm not entitled to get anything and i'm not gonna lay in the floor kicking, screaming and crying because a liar didn't get the office. i am about tired of seeing all this. let me ask you this. where the hell was you when obummer ran our country into the ground opening up our borders and changing all our rights? where were you when he smoothered out coal and killed many jobs and put people in the unemployment lines? i'll tell you where you were sitting on your a$$ doing nothing while our country was going to piss. now that we have someone trying to make it better, people want to throw a fit and be a cry baby. you know what don't answer it cause i'm not sure i want to come back here to see anymore of this she-i-t.

I'm not trying to start anything with you or anyone else here, but a liar did get in office...just a different one.

Im not trying to start anything,,,:rofl:
I'm ban myself for 3 more days !-- I'm an opinionated a hole and I'm O.K. with that !-- I got pharming to do !

Hopper I trade that job for my shattered face and screwed up neck in a minute !
I'm not trying to start anything with you or anyone else here, but a liar did get in office...just a different one.

WH, if you can't see the truth in that, then yes you are part of the problem.
Unfortunately liars abound in politics and always have.
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