Happy birthday B1, good afternoon. Cold day, but the snow is going. I need to mow soon. I 'm waiting for a warm day for mowing and an outside haircut. Its overdue now, but not getting hair all over, just brushing it off will be possible in a couple days.
I checked the plants and they were too dry. I spent a few hours trimming the buds off. I have less than a grocery bag full of bud. A bud is a few stones each, so i am even more stocked for Monday. I starved the plants before chopping. Another strain was ready first so i cut off the feed early for that strain. The common reservoir meant all the blooms were put on a diet. The strain i trimmed today has had a few weeks of being on a diet. It tasted ok this morning. It tares out at 7 oz/200 gms of crumbly dry for 1/2 m^2 tote. I will jar them up tonight and move them to storage/cure.
Thats the news from the land of geodes. Its been too long, we are headed out to nature, cold weather or not.
Stay safe and well. TTYL