Good morning all.
Grocery trip is done, we are almost set. I'm digging around for bow rosin. With all the extra hand washing, my nails are in bad shape, which means my guitar picks are in bad shape, too. I cut my nails short. The rosin provides a sticky grippiness that allows the finger tips to pluck strings rather than finger nails. Dank sticky works in a pinch but muddies the tone.
One of the things I was looking forward to most with smoking was getting back into music. Now I have smoking supplies. I should get rid of a guitar or two but can't ever do it. One I bought from my first job. I saved and saved to have enough for that guitar, and have had it for 50+ years. Then, an electric classical for performing, and a high student level classical acoustic. I get lost in complex discordant chords and layers of resolutions.
Back in early music days, seventh chords were considered out of Gods perfect order and the Devil's music. Mess with that music and you would have a very painful torture and slow death. One that only the most fanatical of the religious zealots of the era were capable of dreaming up. I have always been drawn to music starting from Baroque. Baroque, literally broken music. If reincarnation is a thing, I know what keeps me stuck on repeats... The devil's music.. Hmm, It must be Sunday. We can laugh at how backward the thinking was about music, but replace it with other beliefs and people are still people.
I watched the news and polit shows. I had better socially isolate. Stay well. Stay safe.