Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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good evening ofc.

2 re, that is very cool that you do meals on wheels. Your seed line up sounds fabulous. Female mojo to you.
Umbra, how are you doing?

Keef, that is quit a puppy ya got there.
I don't know much !-- U can ask around -- but I know what da hell that is !-- D.D. sent it to me !-- I ain't seen many didn't have cross hairs on them !-- Not a fan !-- We got coyote problems here and in Austin !-- I could get on top the car down the beach aways with a wounded rabbit call and fix that but I already been warned !
I used to live at the dead end of a long narrow road, we had our share of coyotes as well as bears, skunks, raccoons and mountain lions. We lost a few kitties that might have strayed too far, I never found one so I don’t know how the met their demise. The dogs did much better though. Smoke two joints!
Thanks Rose, glad your harvest went well!!!
Evening Folks....finally getting some real rain
Coyotes hear them most nights...*******s.
.. Well time to puff a fatty.......:48:
I wear ear plugs and I leave a radio on at night to drown them out !-- There's a couple decent size packs out here and they bold !-- People leave thier dog food outside and the coyotes know it !-- They have eliminated thier natural food source (feral cats ) and find it easier to rummage thru trash or steal dog food !-- I ain't allowed to "thin the pack" either !-- Ask Ole "I am da Law" ? -- I got a scooter now he'd never catch me !-- I'd lose him in the sand traps ? -- .22 with a baby bottle nipple wired on to the end of it they'd never even hear but D.D. say NO so we got too many coyotes !-- Not my fault !
The ear plugs and radio are not to drown out the coyotes for me but my dogs !-- Anything goes wrong they all 4 be jumping up and down on me in bed raising hell but it is doggie law that if U hear a coyote in the distance U have to bark back !-- So I don't want to be woke up everytime one of them barks at some distant noise !-- The girl dogs are good but no so much the boy dogs !

I'm going to bed !
I'm out it was a hard day mentally -- American military Killed In Action are sacred -- I watched that obscenity politicize the death of a hero !-- It did not sit well with me !
Morning O.F.C. !-- They call me Keef and I'm an Outlaw pot farmer !--I grow aero under LEDs-- I ain't the best or the biggest but I get by --- I'm also an a hole and I'm alright with that !-- One day I figure things gonna change and maybe I can come out the closet !-- Until then I perfect my art !-- I been tempered in the fire of prohibition -- When my time comes ? -- No mercy !-- The bar going up round here way up !
We got rain moving in !-- 77 and humid headed for 85 !

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Morning Umbra ! -- Respect to the breeder !
1-- "V"
2 -- Plush Berry -x- Strawberry Desiel
3 -- BOC #2
4 ---BOC #1
Umbra I been studying all these varieties I been running -- I don't know why but some varieties are more sensitive to pH than others !-- Rose's Nurse Larry and a couple your's like them dam lemons !- --Some just don't care as long as it isn't extreme !-- That's the ones I been rounding up !-- I'm not gonna choose what stays and what goes --my system will !-- Grow good for me or I'll find another that will ! -- Indica heavy hybrids with them fat leaves work well for me !-- I got some sorting out to do with the children of Waldo -- I'll have my BlackBerry smoke !- While I'm sorting them out it's time to start the quest for another flavor !
I can multi task !--
Beautiful Nugs Keef....lots of snow in the mountains this a.m...finished up with the math class I was taking...will I ever use it?No
All ready awake so I guess that we should bake...
Morning Cane !--Snow ? -- I don't do Snow !-- Only Snow around here gonna be that "Black Snow" I got in the fridge !-- Snow Desiel mom-- Black Berry Snow Lotus dad -- I probably try to germ some maybe Thanksgiving ? -- I been thinking about that GDP-x- Black Rose !-- I sure would like to have one those black phenos like U had !-- The seed are old but I got quite a few so maybe ?-- They not wet but I might ?--
I took my dog groomer a bottle each of blueberry-- Coconut and pear "Wine" -- Told her it may be little stronger than regular wine !-- So be warned !-- 5 gallons of wine condensed to one gallon ? -Yup !-- Might be a little stronger than regular wine !-- It is very good and I know it !-- They gonna get lit up tommorrow night and they don't even know it yet !
5 gallon bucket of fermented brown sugar and molasses in the freezer !-- Anybody can make Rum but can U make it without distilling ? -- I break 100 proof we call it success ? --I will !-- Think I'll change my name to Kokonut Keef ? -- I make a mean coconut brandy ! --- There was that last little thing I was looking for in my process and then there it was !-- So simple !-- Kokonut Keef's Wine and Weed ? -- I like it although I'll never see anything like that but it's nice to dream !--The reality of having the DEA and ATF breathing down my neck ain't a life I want !
Waldo's babies !-- Why so many ? -- I need about 4 healthy plants to be pretty confident there will be a girl among them -- Sexing will greatly reduce the plant count then after that all I know how to do is "Keep the best and leave the rest " -- So I should end up with a girl from maybe half dozen or crosses -- I want my BlackBerry Smoke and anything else interesting that pops up !
I be happy with 3-4 outstanding keepers !

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