Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Keef if I could only have 12... or it it Other Keef asking the tough questions, cuz that's mean!
Sweet Cindy for fast heavy frosty crops and it doesn't reek into the street
Black Indica for excellent zzzzzz and it tastes like memories of good hash before all you could get was dabs
Gotta have a blueberry and a grape, just because!
Of course the Cheese!
NYC Piff which yields for beans but ohhh can't you smell that smell
The Soldotna Thunderfrick because who needs LSD when you can trip balls on green stuff
Some sort of kush. Gotta be the kushiest kush that you just happily fall into. A kushion!
Hm that's 8 so far so the rest are those great strains that are not strangers, but the friends we haven't met :)
I’ve decided I’m going to grow only two girls at a time...so I can properly care for them and I want to be able to take them outa the box for trimming and grooming and all such...So I’m not gonna Scrog this time...but still keep’m under control...not exactly sure how but I’ll work out the details...so RE, how come you got 4 seeds poppin...?on account of because maybe have a boy in there... but half of them are fem’s... like I said, I’m makin it up as I go... I do think two plants in my flower box is gonna be just right and mayhaps I won’t end up with a tangled mess, nice buds on top and a bunch a crap underneath...so that’s where I’m tryin ta head...
Stinky there was a guy I read a lot back in the day -- Carlos Casdeneda (sp) -- Anyway there something that rocked me in them !--Reporter caught Carlos coming down the stairs and asked are U Carlos or his doppelganger-- Carlos confessed he was the doppelganger and excused himself !
I don't have the hunger for money and goods most have ---I want that kind of power !-- Tell the cops -- I am not the Keef U looking for !
Yes !- I am sick !- Got a head injury too !-
The doppelganger defense may not hold up in court, but if it keeps the media from hounding celebrities that are Simply. Not. Interested.... there's some value in that!

Anyone know a 5'1 chipmunk faced mousy brunette who's built like a very small Viking? taking applications. Must smell vaguely of pot and lemon Pledge.
I hate that early stage of growing from seed - they so delicate and all -- I'm not !-- I would much rather have fresh cuts in a cloner waiting for roots - That reminds me - Candy Cane -x- Bunch of Grapes ?- I need some more cuts !-- I'm see if I can't reveg all these stumps for the nephew - I walked him thru it on that White Indica and she still kicking it -- To me that would be leaving him a set of mother plants-- I taught him to clone -- He set if he can keep it alive !-- I need the Bat Cave - I got my cuts and they doing fine but I need to unpack my boxes - There's stuff I need I can't find - I'm doing aero on guesstimate math !- I can do better !-- There has been no feeding the plants in bloom - nothing but dirt and well water -- They do this?-- like this ?--Make me feel all warm and fuzzy !-- I know what I got to work with !- Umbra U breed some most powerful chit !-- All these blueberry crosses ?-- I mighta bred them but both the moms and dad came straight out the house of Umbra !-- Will they be any good ?--- They can't help it !-- I knew they mommas !-- I've seen what the daddy do !-- Texas not ready for this jelly !
I still think Trump shouldn't have taken the credit for killing that Iranian !-- He a master of muddying the water -- He could done the old 3 card Monte thing and they would still be wondering who killed him ! -- but what do I know ?
Looks like the dumass bout to get us into a war -- I like my way better !-- Lot less bleeding - screaming and dying !- Them flags they give the family are a poor consolation for losing a son or husband !-
This whole episode has been surreal-- Like a play book for how to start a war - If U want to start a war do it like this !
Well the day started with pea soup fog the entire Valley. Did 2 hours with a root canal and then driving up and down the Central Valley in that fog. It barely hit 40 here. Hurt. From my tooth to the back of my eye. Took a motrin and some tincture.
Cookies, sour diesel, Larry OG, Holy Grail Kush, blueberry headband, white widow, haze, lemon g's (until I taste the triple Lemon at least), an orange, a peyote, blueberry, something else super trippy! That was a struggle. Some of those I could leave behind actually lol.
Part of my psychic reading for a grower --
U have or will grow marijuana in your bathroom

I will take your psychic prediction, and raise you one impulse purchase while I was at the grocery store buying kitty litter for the feral Basement Cats. Are you by any chance propping up your cell phone/mouse with a magic 8 ball right now?
Yoda is perplexed. This is HIS tub. which he is welcome to keep; its an utter disaster and needs to be ripped out. But why bother, its a perfect permanently plumbed drip tray in a white enclosure!
If I gotta have something trippy and I do !-- Let's get in the way back machine ?-- What that weed used to come tied to a piece bamboo something -- Thai Stick ?-- OK - Maybe one these modern sativas - but I got lost in my own neighborhood - There for awhile I wasn't even sure if I was real !
Trippy sativa ? - gotta have !
While y'all otherwise occupied Other Keef stuck a pack of Snow Lotus seed in his pocket !-- U got to watch him all the time !-- If I caught him with Snow Lotus he heen up in Bohdi land -- Empty the pockets Other Keef -- Black Triangle ? - U dog what else U got ?
U got no intention of following the 12 variety rule do U ?--
Did ya hide some in case U got caught with what U had -- Planning on looping back and pick them up later ?-- I'll be watching !

Hey Stinky wait till he gets all hopped up on catnip and decides to take your grow down !- Dog and cat got into a grow decades ago - Used my grow like an amusement park !-- I could not have done a better job of destroying it !
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Umbra when I asked about getting Tranquil Elephantizer back U told thier was something else I'd like better or was it something better but along the same line as better that coffee /tobacco thing I had - Master Kush - I liked that terp profile ( I find better than Tranquil Elephantizer hard to believe but U ain't pointed me wrong yet)--Ancient OG ?- it was a dam OG something ?-
I once had a couple boards across the top of my tub and aero boxes sitting on top the boards with the lights swinging from the shower curtian !-- So have U ever grown weed in the bathroom ? -- I gotta put my hand up too !-- I grow wherever I can I'm not proud !-- The bat cave got 2 bathrooms one of will end up with plants in it !-- Sure as the sun rises tommorrow - not A plan but one them things that probably will happen - figure it out when it does ?-- Home on the drainnnnn !- I like having a drain !
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