Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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There are 4 key hole like notches in my boxes -- one on each end one on each side -- If it will stick to the plastic of the boxes ?- Use some that spray plasic as a gasket -- but remember U still got to get in and out them boxes -- I can use it to lock down the boxes and prevent leaks if the lid is removable ?---The present snap down holder will not be strong enough to hold the lid on !-
Heat a 6 inch piece of PVC pipe until soft --flatten one end to fit into the slot -- cut a narrow "V" in the flat side - so it will fit in the slot and with a tap the V will lock lid to box securely -- Bend the rest of the pipe so that when tapped in and holding the lid secure the end --about 4 inches points straight up -- 1 part -- 4 per box -- and it gives U a place to secure a net !-- Beeches !-
That's enough of that Other Keef !- U did good !-- How U gonna jig up to make them by the dozen - How many parts gonna be on that net assembly ?-- Here's a finger for U too !
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Good morning all. Looking at some Mandela seeds today, it has been a few years since i grew any of that. Warm and windy here, 50s... roses are coming out of dormancy perhaps to freeze later, it is ok, it happens. I am loving our puppy Annie. I thought she would be bigger then she is.. Hope your all stone and happy and stuff like that.
My $10 timer got a switch up and down - on/off for every 15 minutes -- that's why my pumps run 15 on 15 off - every other one up or down -- Use the same cheap timer on my lights -- plug it into the wall socket !-- I promised Stinky I'd wire it right at the new place !-- Eventually I'm need an electrician ?-- and a plumber --
Yo Umbra - This Black Star time Apricot Head - It don't want to play nice -- I got enough clones to make it work but -- I think it want go be starved more than my other indicas and hybrids ?-- I figure it out but they gotta get along !

Edit : Hey Rose !
Good morning ofc...looks like the sun is up today so that should be good...I’m resisting the urge to mess with my potted seeds, just checked them they seem to still be damp so no water yet...that’s my most common mistake I think. Over watering my unpopped seeds...I’m going to try a different approach to training this time...no Scrog net but just try to keep’m tied down to their own pots so I can maybe get them outa the box if needed...
Keef, how about a couple spring clamps, my black and yellow box’s snap together pretty tight...or the did till 8 cut a big notch for the hoses...
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They do clip closed pretty good RE - that 396 gph pump make it rain in them boxes -- The lids are tight but not watertight -- usually pops a leak on a long side - With them fitting so snug if I put some form of gasket in it won't clip locked anymore -- So ?? -- it's not a big problem but it's coming up on time to address it -- 1st thing will be some new micro sprayers I just got
Good morning OFC

Beautiful day today/ My cherry tomato plant is still producing a couple tomatoes here and there. The flowers in front of my house are still blooming. Winter here is pretty mild so far.
Digital timers have effed up my indoor grow twice. I stick with manual timers now with no problems.
As I recall Keef had a timer burn up on him once.

Good to see you on Rose!

Enjoy this day friends.
It melted a little Burnin1 !--I was sucking to much power thru it !
Blueberry getting close !- They trichs clouding up !-- I'm expecting 1st amber anytime now !-- Thought the nephew had slipped past without me noticing and had something running -- A pipe had burst and water was spraying up against his house -- Got the water turned off -- just split a screw on PVC union - easy fix !--
Gloman I've tried a couple things for a gasket - lots of stuff won't stick to the plastic -- That's why I thought I'd try some that spray plastic stuff - Says right on label it stops leaks !- I got leaks I want stopped !--New 360 sprayers may fix it -- Second approach will be drilling holes in the bottom of my spray manifold to reduce pressure shooting up by shooting some down !-- It don't have to spray hard just reach the top inside the box !--
Yep !-- Keep cloning the way I do in 2 inch aero collars and baskets -- go from there to 4 inch baskets with baked clay balls ---leave the 2 inch basket to recover it after harvest -- roots get all tangled up in the baskets - tear the roots up getting them off -- Get them settled in and growing in my boxes - Go from there to drip and drain bloom tables !--
I'm planning on 4 bloom drip and drain tables with room for 6 plants in each !-- Maybe a foot square tables almost long as the grow room angled down to a res !--pump nutes up then thru one your drip rings -- thru the roots -- put the drip ring beyween a neopreme collar and the baked clay balls -- Keep wet and dry seperate !--Nute water go down the inside the box for another trip---- Still ain't going big with them like Nick does -- 6 Maybe 18 inch shaped plants to bloom every 2 weeks !-- Veg ?-- What ever I have to do to get it up to feeding bloom !-- Probably controlled Chaos !
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Hey guys, Stinkey, I posted some pic's of my bathroom for you a few days ago. probably 6 pages back ha or 20? I am in zone 6 here in eastern washington. It has been 50 degrees here a lot the last two weeks and the roses if they were dormant they are not now. Trivia, do you know why you let roses make hips in the winter and not prune them? They produce something like antifreeze in the stems. Ok, back to stuff.
Been a run on prepper survivalist veggie seed packs -- They got some nice large variety packs -- I was just looking and they was sold out -- Wonder what that's all about ?-- Oh yeah !- Iran !-- I forgot !-- Probably be a run on gas soon as Iran shut down the Straits and try to strangle world oil ?-- I need to just ease my oldass back up in them woods and get set up -- Don't matter how bad things get people gonna want thier weed ?-- and some liqour ?-- We can do that !

Not sure how much more of this "Great Again" we can take ?

I'm need some more bullets - wouldn't hurt to get one those new smokeless blackpowder rifles too with lots of firing caps -- lots and lots of .22 rimfire shells --
That's your -- inexpensive hunting gun --
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My music room turned drying room...I guess I can share it for a week or so...
Have you checked out the new cross bows? They got em now where even I can use them. Some have crank handles to cock them and its geared so its easy to do.
I been wanting some black powder guns too. They are more fun to shoot if you're not hunting.
There's always clothes pins involved !-- Nice clothes line RE !
Works just fine too !- I use high tech !- I tied my clothes pins to a coat hanger !-- fancy style !
Them prepper veggies seed packs made me think - What about survivalist weed seed ?-- Some indicas and high CBD for pain - U gotta have blueberry ?- What all would U rat hole if U could only have a dozen varieties in a seed pack ?--- if they was feminized U couldn't breed anymore ?--
Regular Photo's it is ?--
Touch my seed box and U could lose that hand !-- There's only a dozen kinds in there U wanna take my word or fight ?-- but I still want that dozen kinds y'all pick out -- Don't forget lemon !-- I couldn't narrow it down to only a dozen !-- Be hard !-- None of that Skunk -- I don't like that fuel oil smelling weed either !-- gotta have high CBD !-- how many dat ?
Don't forget Mimosa!
And an orange ?--

No Autos allowed !
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Rose! I just found your bathroom and I'm cracking up. Especially since I just scored a couple 4' led shop lights that are about to get hung in my upstairs bathtub that no one uses except Dog. It's the never ending creep of more plants crowding out the humans in a dwelling:)
I did not know that about rosehips! I will add that to the list of things they do which also includes making lots of vitamin c and being incredibly itchy when dried, for all ya pranksters out there .
I'm at the edge of where most hybrid roses will survive without the level of care typically reserved for cropping plants. I'm seriously considering putting in a bunch of hardy rugosas under my first floor windows to protect the castle from the tweeker invasion. But once they're in... they're there forever. You couldn't pay me to put on a suit of plate armor required for their uninstallation! They smell sooo good though...
Part of my psychic reading for a grower --
U have or will grow marijuana in your bathroom !---
( what's the chance of being right on that one ?)
Sometimes U over indulge and get Too High !
U have this disease make U chase varieties !
U probably high right now ?
( How could he know that ?)
Do U want me to go on ?-

He got some Powerful Magic !
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