Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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great story Rose, glad Bud is up and running, well walking anyway
How about Bud don't have anymore accidents for awhile !-- Rose needs some rest !-- Why is it when U get caught up on the pharm it's time to start over !-- I'm hauling water !-- Only a few steps but I object on account of I don't like hauling water !-- If I didn't have to measure I'd pump it !-- I gotta build me a self filling RO water tank !-- I had about 30 gallons drawn up and now I'm empty and running more !-- 10 more gallons might be enough ? -- I got my last bloom box set up and running !-- Move some girls tommorrow after it stabilizes !-- I go pH it now and adjust it !-- I be chasing my tail up and down !-- No!- give it 24 hours and then pH it !-- Gonna have a couple Purple Haze girls running with I think a Nurse Larry and a couple Snow Desiel !-- ( I like it !)-- Maybe 6 little girls ? -- Then the rotation starts giving back next week !-- Been 2 months I'm not sure I remember how to trim ?
yes scrapple is sold as a loaf and sliced and fried, but as ice cream it may have missed the mark a bit.
My sick friend likes my weed...a lot, lol. The gummy bears melted into a glob, lol. going thru the collection of beans...I have this special cut of SSH from Spain called Bilbo, very rare. Time to breed something...
Hogs head cheese or Sause (?) Is that right ? -- Anyway ate my share and liked it !-- We butchered hogs growing up --rendered the lard and all that stuff but no scrapple ! -- Ya'll got me hongry! -- I might have to throw a yard bird on the smoker or something this evening !-- Hell hot so I ain't going back out till later !
Humidity is up too --So says my face !-- and don't be talking po-po no more ya'll almost jinxed me !-- He mighta got me but po-po cars can't go that way !--I'm not even sure he saw me but why chance it ? -- Think I'll keep the garage closed awhile ?
Umbra I been trying to encourage U to do some more breeding !-- I don't know how U know to do what U do but don't stop doing it !-- #1 test grower here !-- I still got these 2 BOC to sort out !-- I got 3 baby lemons --All 3 Squish-x- Oregon Lemon !-- U know I really got my hands full for awhile ? -- Don't meant I don't want some beans to what ever unholy thing U breed !--I'm greedy !-- - What U got in mind ?
I had to check the news at noon !-- So North Korea has a miniaturized nuke that will fit on it's ICBM that can reach America ?-- Wouldn't U know it would happen when we got that Inept Joker and his family running the country ?-- With that kind of leadership ? --We all gonna die !-- Time to dig a hole ?
Afternoon Folks. Had the chance to slip out of work 1 1/2 early. I took it. Another fine day on caps. Keef the time to dig a hole was a long time ago. Everything I have worked to perfect. Most of my life has been practice. For that time. I do not care who is in charge of the country. N Korea having Nuke's is just scary.
I spent a year up on that Korean border -- They crazy !-- We got Aegis and THADD and could stop most his missiles shot at us but what if we only loose San Francisco and a few more west coast cities and Hawaii ?
Seoul South Korea is a smoking hole with it's millions of people !-- They don't even need nukes to do that !-- It's only 30 miles away !
I guess I should locate a supply of sulfur and salt petter --I can make the charcoal !-- I can make my own power and blowing stuff up is not hard ! -- At least he'll probably wipe out all those west coast liberals first ?-- Ya'll can come live with me in the Texas badlands !--
Mostly though that dude don't want to loose power and got to know if he hit any American city with a nuke we gonna turn that country into a wasteland ?-- So is he willing to commit suicide ?-- I don't think so !
Umbra I been trying to encourage U to do some more breeding !-- I don't know how U know to do what U do but don't stop doing it !-- #1 test grower here !-- I still got these 2 BOC to sort out !-- I got 3 baby lemons --All 3 Squish-x- Oregon Lemon !-- U know I really got my hands full for awhile ? -- Don't meant I don't want some beans to what ever unholy thing U breed !--I'm greedy !-- - What U got in mind ?

I just hate to see some of these beans just sitting here. And I don't like following the crowd of flavor of the week. Prefer to walk my own path with more old school and forgotten genetics that have been the building blocks of many newer strains.
U need to do just that Umbra !-- I'm just gonna grow the best I can lay hands on and still keep my a** outta jail !-- This is important to me !-- I would love to have some exotic genetics but I would hate to be made to watch while the po-po ripped them apart and stomped on them !-- I'm just gonna keep doing what I can -- With a little help from my friends!
I went back and started at the results of the first cups and did my best to locate what I felt must be the root varieties of some the newer stuff !-- I got sidetracked everytime I tried to make sense of the results of the cups !-- I got as much chance of finding those root varieties as I do finding some kind of category system to organize my thoughts on these different kinds of varieties! -- I don't know so much more than I do know !
I do got what I feel must be one those root varieties in Mazar-i-Shariff !-- They been making that "Milk of Mazar" ( Lebonese Blond Hash ) for centuries !-- Other than that I don't have a clue !
I just hate to see some of these beans just sitting here. And I don't like following the crowd of flavor of the week. Prefer to walk my own path with more old school and forgotten genetics that have been the building blocks of many newer strains.

I think that is great umbra, i wonder with the new education about terpines if there is some great things in the older stuff. Remember smelling skunk the first time?? I think i read that myrcene .....here is what i read. http://reset.me/story/myrcene-theres-more-to-marijuana-than-cannabinoids/ Anyway, i think it is cool you are doing that.

Woody, i hoped you enjoyed your extra hour of no work, i am sure you did.
Thanks Keef Now I know what am missing a-pinene. I need to look for that.
Pine ? --Nightshade !-- Maybe Temple -x-BPU ? --Still waiting to see !-- I'm been digging this Blue T.E. !-- Blueberry with a peppery finish !-- Shouldn't work but it does !-- So well !
The possibilities are endless !
I think that is great umbra, i wonder with the new education about terpines if there is some great things in the older stuff. Remember smelling skunk the first time?? I think i read that myrcene .....here is what i read. http://reset.me/story/myrcene-theres-more-to-marijuana-than-cannabinoids/ Anyway, i think it is cool you are doing that.

Woody, i hoped you enjoyed your extra hour of no work, i am sure you did.

We know so much more about cannabis in general and terpenes specifically, than we did 20 years ago. Many of the older strains were medical based strains that were landrace varieties and adapted for indoor use. When I first started growing, there were no indoor strains. Thank you that reading...very well written. It is so easy to forget how large of a role cannabis played as hemp for cloth, rope, and food. Clearly hemp is high in CBD and low in THC, but that might make good medicine today. It is just my spin.
1 of my current projects is to save EG's twisted purple og. Problem ...all I had was some 10 year old pollen. Finding a mom worthy was no small challenge. I went with Loompa's emperor og. The emperor purple is born. Sitting on the beans last few years, you know how life goes. Got caught up in chasing the flavor of the week. Popped 'em, sexed 'em, cloned 'em. Running 1 in flower this click. Oh and I flipped the girls.
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