Afternoon Folks. I got this PeeWee picture of keef on his scooter. Burned into my brain now. Consumed a heavy dose of caps at work today. I gotta do that more often. Stalking the UPS truck Be back later.
Yep I'm mobile again ! -- Now I guess I should get plates and stuff huh ?-- I ain't getting no motorcycle license though cause that ain't a motorcycle !--Is my reasoning flawed !-- I been having some of that lately !
Hippy that's a better picture in your mind than the one from Dumb and Dumber on that mini bike !
I just took me a nice dose of caps !-- Hippy the caps make life easier even if there is nothing wrong with U !
I could use one them crushed up morphine pills like they use to give me !-- O.K. they didn't come crushed !-- U had to do that !-- Anyway my aches got pains !-- We got some rain coming but the closer it get the more it dies down !-- Just a tease !-- Ain't gonna rain here !-- The dog wants to ride again !-- I messed up when I took her on that first ride !--
Nick know how the Shiti-Tzu are !--Hard headed little sheets !-- They don't get thier way ? --They get even with U !
I try Umbra !-- U gonna watch the debut of Trump T.V. on Facebook !-- They gonna show the "Real News " !
None of that fake stuff about Russia--or Investigations and the like !-- Only Officially sanctioned news that make him look good !
It might not be the best, I have a 16 in tall 9.5 inch around carbon filter. With a 170 CFM Fan. A 6 inch Ducting out of the tent. Filter is on the Floor.
Thank you guys, i don't know which of us is happier. Maybe him, but i could do a little dance my own self. Thanks for your support. that is what we do here, thank you.
Umbra, he went right out and fixed the irrigation that i couldn't get done. The doctor told him he had lost all the muscle in his thigh, so it is going to be a lot of work for him to get it back, but I know him, and he will. I think i will lay on the couch and request a coffee. lol
Why the pic so funny colored Hippy ? -- Dam lights !-- I know mine do it too !-- Nice looking plants !--U gearing up to make a run with that stanky Skunk stuff ?
I saw Hack made a post this morning !-- Hack should come hang out with us some !-- Maybe teach me how to do some computer stuff !-- I have sworn off shooting smart phones even if they possessed by the devil and need to be kilt !-- It is not socially acceptable to put decepticons out they misery !--
Rose --U made it thru the 6 weeks !-- Poor baby girl !-- It'll get better now !
I feel as the frame needs reinforcing first. Think I will build it's own frame. Everything moving in 9 weeks or so. umbra is my fan strong enough. They are sleeping now. Keef I know nothing. I have been told you need Linux and stuff to Hack.
Hippy U high ? --I was talking about Hackerman !-- Buncha Stoners !-- Speaking of which I just got thru making me a bottle of cannacaps !-- When I make caps I have to take taxes !-- I like taxes ! --
I move my last group to bloom Wednesday and bloom be full !-- I can get more plants in the boxes but they all 8 will be working again and the rotation rolling !- Bout time to start putting weed in jars instead of taking it out !
I feel as the frame needs reinforcing first. Think I will build it's own frame. Everything moving in 9 weeks or so. umbra is my fan strong enough. They are sleeping now. Keef I know nothing. I have been told you need Linux and stuff to Hack.
Just had to take a couple big fist fulls of Basil --Like several baggies full! -- Anyway U think Tiger bloom would work on some aero Tomatos and peppers ? -- I guess we be finding out !-- I got peppers blooming now !-- I hope rubbing the flowers with a q-tip from flower to flower will fertile them and set fruit !-- thyme -oregano peppers and Tomatos be loving some aero !-- Not that I've ever grown veggies in aero but they like weed nutes !
New press finished...would have been doen the other day but I was workin it hot and cross phased and blew both SSR' ones came today and I finished the build and pressed out some golden goo....Peace
Morning Potheads,,,time for my Coffee and Andy Griffith,,or maybe some American Pickers.
And yes those Nutes will work on veggies. When i stopped growing Weed i used my Nutes on my Veggy Garden. Seem to work just fine. Ive clonned alot of plants and veggies in Bubblers,,just never grew anything to harvest in DWCs but weed.
Besides,,my tomato plants get 6ft tall and 4ft or 5ft wide. Would be a space eater inside.