Put it in my crick pot on low. I ass 2 ounces of buds just pulled apart with my fingers into smaller parts.Damn it took me all day to find this thread.
Ok Making Canna oil
First thing I do is Decarb my weed.
My method of choice is Insta pot
I set it on Meat/stew button for 45 minutes. I do this one hour before bed. It will be done at bed time. I then unplug the machine and let it sit over night while you sleep. The steam will have dissipated and no venting needed so no smell. You're Welcome!
Step 2 the next night at bedtime I put the 84 ounce Jar of Coconut oil Raw Cold Pressed and Organic. Do not buy refined coconut oil. It has been rendered useless by the refining process. Put it in my crock pot on low. I add 2 ounces of buds just pulled apart with my fingers into smaller parts. It will infuse better than whole bud. You can grind if you want but not necessary.
The weed I put in a cheese cloth nut milk bag. Then into the coconut oil. Submerge it if need be put a can of sweetened condensed milk on top to hold it down.pull the label off first though Next morning you have a can of Carmel for Ice cream sundaes
You’re welcome!
Next morning turn off the crock pot remove the can if you used one. Let the mixture cool several hours. When it is cool enough to handle comfortably, Squeeze out the oil from the buds I get 3 very full quart size jars.

Where do I find a crick pot,, and do you have to clean the weed after assing it?

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