I got 4 more plants just like it -- so it's not a major problem !- I will have my Stacked Blueberry girl --I would just like to understand !
Snow Desiel-x- Black Berry Snow Lotus -- Bohdi didn't breed it but she can hold her own !-- Waldo ( the BBSL male)- got lucky I was about to kill him when someone told "The BBSL male bring the fire "-- I felt like I already had fire !-- I musta lined up a dozen girls from different varieties and let him have at them -- Some I haven't even grown yet !
So far most have mostly the same terp profile but they all good !--- Chit came from BBSL I'm sure !-- An earthy hash forest profile -- Umbra's BPU -x- BB do the same with blueberry - Seems like what ever U breed it to comes out a version of blueberry -- So I bred the blueberry to Some of those BBSL crosses !-- We will see who wins the terp dominance battle !-- (Nurse Larry -x- BBSL )- x- (BPU-xBB) is one I'm very interested in
I have no idea what it will be but potent no doubt ! -
Super Silver Haze from clonesCinister1 - pull up a chair !-- Welcome to the OFC !-- Looking good !-- What U got there ?
I’ve have grown before but only outdoors. Since I’m off in your neighbouring country, we just became legal to grow up to 4 plants. Clones came from a friend. Next year I’m going to try one with a shorter bloom time. Too much rain here in the West Coast. I am new to the world of Forums however. Have only read them for help information. Thought I’d give it a go.Well Cinister-- Ma'am U seem to have done this before ?--
Looks great !-- Most are afraid the OFC is a nursing home but it's more of a community -- Super Silver Haze ?-- U make your own clones ?-- Some of us in prohibition states have to make our own -
Texas try to make it hard on me !--
4 was enough lol! Took one early when I saw bud rod settle in. The 3 I have left are huge. 6’+ high and almost as wide. Will be cleaning drying and curing for awhile.Budlight is up in your neck of the Canadian woods !-- He check in once a month or so ?-- Wonder what he been up to lately ?--
4 plants ?- I guess they mean only 4 they can find ?-- Surely that is more of a suggestion than a law ?-- I tend to be over the legal limit myself on occassion !-- OK all the time !-- Legal limit in Texas is zero plants !-- This is all hemp I'm growing !-- That wide leaf Indica kind !--