Poor Old Dirt Farmer!
Good Morning OFC...I am like Keef on the Xmas bonus...no table wine! after all those hours lol.....buddy used to work for Georgia Pacific paper products company. They gave out printer paper, paper towels and toilet paper for bonuses...he was a company slave and had an attic full of paper products lol. Sorry about your plane Nick...I hate a hard landing...little parts flying everywhere and lost time for repairs.Who else still has vertigo from a Cox airplane...going in circles with it instead of using the pivot handle lol. I had a Cox trainer, Fokker DR1 tri-plane and a Cox Willis Jeep replica...the jeep had a recoil starter even. Good morning here...no more males!...all others flashing female. So that's 8.....I should have 5 or 6 in there. Wishing all a pain and stress free day.