Good morning all, my goodness you some chatty folk. i love that.
Thunder and lightning and temps from 90 to 60 Burr.. Plants made it just fine thru the storm. Dogs didn't do as well.
RE, I am so sorry your purple haze hermied. I knew it did that and I forgot. SHOOT. I liked it enough to keep but I sure shouldn't have sent it out. I hope it didn't ruin your crop.
I have been doing nothing. And then some more of nothing. Some more nephews calling about can they help harvest.LOL, i love that too. After kinda being real grumpy last year, I was, I told my daughter she didn't have to help this year. It was so brave of me. I was sincere. Thankfully she didn't believe me and will come for part of it.
You guys all sound good, Umbra they should be glad you don't miss a call daily, they seem to work the stuffin outta you.
Bud has white arches made of pvc pipe. Who knew it could bend. It will hold the tarp that he will get situated this week. I couldn't do this without him. I fear it is permanent in our tiny yard... I think a cover crop of clover planted this fall? Will that work? Oh do i have to wait until like Feb or something? I am off to the store.