Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Can't get the video to run -- but Chit's always cheaper if U build your own !-- Used travel trailer - I know I could convert one to a grow real quick and easy -- If that AC on the roof will cool it I wouldn't even need a window unit but I could if I wanted ?-- I might ?-- LEDs for sure -- These things got a little bathroom too or should I call it a clone room ?--
Put my nute water res. Under the trailer and my used nute water tank too -- Pump the nute water in and around until time to change it-- drain it out the trailers septic system and pump it right out to a veggie garden or something as needed - ?-( When he says veggies he really means something he can ferment !- So says Other Keef !-)- - It deserves some thought ?

Edit :
Keef's RV & Trailer Park ? -- Kinda got a ring to it ?-- No vacancies !--
I'll need to buzz U thru the gate !-- U wouldn't want to come in on foot !- I don't know what it'll be ?-- wild donkeys ? -- Pit Bulls ?-- Emu and Ostrich will stomp U to death just to have something to do ? -- Animals will "F" U up !--Sounds like a great security system to me - They would probably work for fermented corn ?-- I should probably put up signs warning of meanass animals on the loose ?-- Maybe not ?-- Sign said wait to be buzzed in ?-- Just imagine U sneaking in during the black of night -- Gonna catch that Ole pot farmer off guard and clean him out !-- Pit Bulls is so yesterday !-- U ever fought a pissed off wild jackass ?- in the dark ?- They will bite dahell out U just to say hello --Then they like to do that Mexican hat dance on U !-- U don't know what is after U ?-- Meanass Billy goat would give U a run for your money too !-- I learned about them the hard way -- He caught me about one step short of the fence in the pitch black and kindly gave me an assist clearing that fence !- Only warning is some snorting noise closing on U fast in the dark !-- I never went into that pasture again !-- It was not a short cut to the watermelon patch !-- I was lied to and set up !-- I did not find it funny !-- I thought Satan himself was coming out the darkness after me !--
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Mommas home and sleeping...been sleeping since she got home so I let her...me, I’m enjoying some quiet...making plans and dreaming keef...that’s a start, best to take the time to plan a little...and I know you have been...
Good Morning Everyone...RV and Trailer park does sound nice....but you know how those Texas twisters head straight for a trailer parks, be pink insulation all in those pine trees when its done. Don't forget to put a few wild hogs in there... those smaller boars with the short teeth can open you up like a surgeons scalpel...seen them cut a dog side to side on his chest in one pass. I had to hold the dogs mouth while the"old folks" sutured him. Told me not to let his mouth go.... I was 12 and even then knew if I let him go I was first one bitten. Wild days of hog hunting...1973 a new stock law had been passed and you had to put animals in a fenced location....no more running them wild in the deep woods. You have to remove your stock....hogs are very smart and some just cannot be trapped and have to be hunted. Wishing Ms RE a speedy recovery and everyone a great day! Smoke it while you can !

Morning OFC !- Oh yeah !- Now I remember !-- East Texas !
HP they got a feral hog problem down here too !-- I told them I'll do what I can -but - I'm need a bigger smoker !- For female hogs !- Don't be bringing a male hog for me to smoke -- Ain't gonna be no good !- Young female ?- I know what to do with that !--
HP -- Back when I was working in this one horse town hospital -- 3-4-5 year old Junior got too close to the dogs scrap bowl while it was eating -- Dog ate Juniors face up pretty good - -- I had to hold him down while the doc sutured him back together !-He was a handful !- Probably as hard as holding that dog down ?- - Made me deaf for a while too !- See some wild stuff in the ER of a small town !-- Helped deliver a baby in the parking lot - When it's coming - It's coming !-- They couldn't find a cord clamp so I went and got one - That Nurse was freaking out and probably forgot what one looked like ?--Made me think it was her 1st parking other delivery ?-- She had a right to get a little freaky and she was a new Nurse too !-Sometimes U got to scream at them to break the spell-- They can panic and plant a foot and do circles - I prefer they deliver a baby in the hospital not the parking lot !-- Long way to the supply room !
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I must be high ?-- I'm rambling !-- In the hospital things can get brutal -- Most times a woman who is about to deliver is given a spinal block for a C- section and everyone can take thier time - but sometimes the baby or mom can be in distress and we need to get that baby out now -- Anesthesia gonna knock that mom out and we need that baby out before that medicine gets to the baby !-- Luckily they got this medicine make U forget stuff !-- When we had to crash a mom for an emergency C-section -- I put the tools where the doc could reach them -- My job was to hold her down while the doc cut her and got that baby dahell out there -- Mom would feel being cut but not remember feeling it !-- I lay my body weight across her legs and nod to Anesthesia when I was ready for them to open the chute -- Just like the rodeo too - Only had to hold on until the baby was out and the medicine took effect ! -- Then me and the doc could take our time stopping her bleeding and sewing her back up !-
Keef you're giving me delivery room flashbacks. I remember wondering how man made it so far. How I couldn't imagine delivering children without modern hospitals.
Normal vaginal delivery ?-- All U gotta do is catch the baby - Mom do all the work -- Use a bulb syringe to clear the air way by suctioning out the child's nose and mouth -- They screaming bloody murder ?-- U know the airway is clear !--
Lay the baby skin to skin on momma -- U ain't finished yet -- Afterbirth be coming out soon !-- Then U can clamp and cut the cord !-- Things can get kinda nasty down there between them legs !
Well I sent the Nephew a message at work -- When I buy a place - We'll move your Travel trailer out there too -- What's the chances of dragging this one out there and let me turn it into a rolling grow room ? -- He said -- I was wondering how much trouble it would be to turn that old thing into a grow? -- Not a problem Cuz !-- I like a new project !-- Keep on revegging WI-X BBSL!-- I got a plan for U !---Gonna build U a house to grow in !-- - I was thinking of using 2 bedrooms of a 3 bedroom house - One for veg-- one for bloom -- I can put this thang out back and work the Camper for awhile instead ?-- Always add another one later ?- Old used campers are cheap !--
It don't have to be cool if the cops would just quit hunting farmers I could live with that !-- Hide a grow travel trailer right out in front of them -- I think this gonna be the White Indica trailer -- 3 more I could have one hellova 4 part rotation ?-- We don't get the tornados so much down here -- The big Destroyer is hurricanes -- Usually we get a few days warning -- Looks like it will get bad ?-- Back your truck up to that travel trailer - I'll pull this one--
Went and picked up a few things -- This is coming together nicely -- I just banged myself up some today installing a new window AC unit-- I need a couple boring days to heal some !--
Hey there ofc, chilling in the back yard again. I spent most of the day playing with my musical toys...I got drums, guitars, bass, keys, mics and a computer to record all those...fun but my timing seems to be not quite as tight as I once might have been or thought I was...guess I gotta work harder as I’ve been letting myself slide and getting rusty...
mommas resting in bed and chatting with someone as I can hear them thru the bedroom window...
So what we have here is from top left, harlequin regular, the AC/DC CBD(hemp?)
Bottom left, Purple Haze, Amnesia CBD auto, and another purple haze...
The PH, and the Harle are from regular seeds and the others are auto fems...they are at various stages but they’ve all had to struggle this year because I’ve left them several times for about a week each...so they’re doin the best they can...that AC/DC is a cute little thing huh...I guess I was wishful thinking putting up those bamboo supports...I gave’m all a topping of worm castings to be watered in next time they need it...
I think your on to something Keef with the little camp trailer thing...there are a lot of them around and if you never plan to take it anywhere you won’t need to spend the license money...
Have a good evening peeps!!!
Good Morning OFC.... Had 6 tenths rain yesterday...a nice cooling shower. The animals and plants are showing a change, the cats are eating like horses...getting set to grow some winter fur no doubt. Trees here are mostly deciduous and have started dropping sap...leaf dry down and fall eventually. Plants are growing nicely after up-potting them...very easy growing with the new Led's in veg so far. Wishing everyone a pain and stress free day!
Morning OFC !
I could get down with some that pain free stuff !-- Lawdy !--
Feel like I took a mighty asswhooping yesterday -- Slept like a rock !-- Woke up moving like a one !-- I ain't doing chit today !-- I'm laying up let my body heal some !-- Dam !-- It's always green in East Texas!-- Looks and feels like rain moving in !-- I'll have to post a pic of those 2 revegges -- Nothing but little 8 inch bushes -- Gonna make plenty clones -- My ex sister in law showed me her house yesterday -- I got to visit with my girl pups for awhile too -- We were happy to see each other !-- They're doing fine !
Ex sister in law got a nice large 3 bedroom frame house on one and a half acres she bought at a bank auction for $24,000 -not long ago -I'm expecting my share of the equity from the house to be $40,000 maybe more !-- Shouldn't be hard to find something ?-- Make one more run on that beach house with some help and put it on the market -- Quicker it's sold -- quicker I get a place !-- I'll have a set of clone's for the new grow --They on the vine right now !- Don't even have to think about setting up 2 bedrooms as a grow and live in the other - This travel trailer is coming with me --Keep a set of clone's in that little bathroom for the next cycle ?-- Grow trailer #1 ?-- or the White Indica trailer ?
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Morning OFC! The window started working again last night. There's a leak in the windshield seal. The windshield was replaced when we bought the car. It runs right into the dash. I don't know how I never noticed it before but I'm guessing it's got something to do with the window electronics...ATV silicone to the rescue....time to sell this thing and replace it. I'm kinda in a daze this morning. Mebbe I need some coffee. I haven't been drinking much lately. It's muggy out. 90 yesterday and a lil more today I guess. No progress was made yesterday. Zilch. Was still a good day.
I'm glad things are lookin up for you Keef.
I noticed dead leaves on the ground yesterday. They had changed color and everything. They was all connected to a branch that got clipped from the tree. It kinda freaked me out for a moment.
When I rip everything out this travel trailer down to bare walls I think it would be best to cover the inside with those 4x8 sheets of insulation -- I've seen it in plain blue and that one kind with that silver mylar on one side -- I could use that and put the shiny side facing the grow on the inside ?-- I think a layer of insulation would quickly pay for itself in power savings also let me light proof it so U don't see a travel trailer with light showing through cracks !- It would be a quick conversion --
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