Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Here's my current selection
Hey ofc...I have to drive all the way to sacramento for a pot store(bout 40 minutes but a pita) so I don’t much...I’ve been in two different pot stores and have not been impressed with the knowledge of anyone I’ve encountered...only bought a bit of stuff as that $hit can be expensive...then again they gave me a couple doobs just for a first time visit...
Hey Keef... let us know when you land and get to sit down...
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I bought a few carts in Michigan and I agree that my homegrown has a better effect. I use to drive up there for wax to get me through the month. I think it's probably something like they send a sample to the lab and then it gets tested as 90%+ but what we get is diluted. I'm happy with my bud and I agree that shit is super expensive. It adds up fast. But they have their uses.
Good Morning OFC...Nice quite morning here....still plenty of heat, at least its slowed the passing of time some what....by waiting for cooler air. With all the rain we had up to this point....its now getting very dry,the yard is showing it by turning brown. Got some GDP burning in the bong....Enjoy your day the cannabis way.
Morning OFC !-- Up trying to be quite and let company sleep while I do me some Wake and Bake --My pup Jet been on guard duty !- He said anyone moves or makes noise ? I'm barking !- He a devil dog !--
I don't want to explain it but apparently Keef sling a mighty Voodoo curse !-- -Shot at and missed ?-- Chit at and hit !--- I'm doing alright today !--Got about a 6 hour drive and I'm sending them to the beach for awhile this morning- Then we can load up and head for the Piney Woods ! -- I'm down with U guys about the dispensaries being to expensive !- All the dispensaries in Texas ? -- I ain't fooling nobody ? - U know we got no real dispensaries in Texas ?- I never been to one!

HP - I got something with some GDP in it but it's different now !-- GDP -x- BPU - One Umbra bred -- His BPU is (B) Black Berry Kush --(P) Purple Chitral -- - (U) Uzbekistan hash plant -- The one I grew was a fine blueberry - Shouldn't have been blueberry but it is a fine one -- I had another blueberry from Umbra and couldn't decide which I liked best so I crossed them -- The other blueberry was -- BPU -x- B.B. -- ( Blueberry Blast )-- I'll be getting some seed wet any day now !

Have a good day all !
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Morning OFC. Thunderstorms over night I guess. It's muggy again. 50 degrees is a huge shift Umbra. I can't wait to get the 5x5 set up. Pretty soon now. 2 more weeks or so and it the heat should mellow out enough to take an ac unit down. This place so old there's only 3 lines. 1 feeds the kitchen and the bedrooms, 1 feeds the living room/dining room and 1 feeds the outside.... this old shack.... miserable old shack....power line lackin shack....house built on the budget of shack shack.... no basement havin shack....dusty old shack.
Good morning stoners...look how early I’m up this morning...nice and cool here on the porch, it’ll heat up but it’s still a cooling trend for a few days...weeks...mommas doing much better but she is going to have surgery on her wrist tomorrow...wish us luck...
She has to have surgery? Shoot RE, i am sorry, poor lady. I hope it goes perfect.
Good luck today Keef, let us know how you do.
It was cool here this morning too HP, 59, unusual for Aug in the desert.
I am going to make a peach crisp for the neighbors this morning, they give us pounds of produce. Smoke um, now.
Good morning OFC

Sorry you guys have had bad vape carts. I avoid going to dispensaries in Big Cities. I saw Harborside in Oakland advertising 1 gram vape carts for 120$! I get the same brands around Modesto decent prices.

I bought a 1 gram live resin cart that is the bomb! Great terps and potent. I paid like 25$. 30% off this week at the dispensary I went to by Modesto. The live resin cartridges are the most expensive. I mainly smoke at home. If I am out and about and want to be discrete the vape pen is my friend.

Take care of her 2Red. Things will heal soon I hope. If you are ever in the Modesto area Umbra or I can hook you up with a dispensary with reasonable prices and great products They even have dog biscuits and dog tinctures. :)

I plan to take it easy today. Sometimes I get carried away and do all kinds of stuff when I smoke a sativa dominant like Na Pali Pink. ;)

Enjoy this day friends.
I've had 1 really good cart actually. Platinum OG. The last one I bought. That stuff was great and it didn't leak. Tasted of citrus and diesel. Ohio has 1 dispo offering carts and throw they're $120!
Good day people. I gave $50 apiece for those cartridges. My favorites are the Skywalker og and the Sour Diesel. We got no dispensaries in the mountain state so we pay a "middle man" and get gouged pretty good. Took a while to get into the swing of it but now I like 'em. I can't grow enuff to make my own carts any more but when I did they were pretty potent.
Hey folks. Sheetrock repair today, had a guy just leave that was replacing some cracked tiles in my kitchen.
Was so slow Friday at work we just stood around and talked all day.
It's the first slow day we have had since early 2016, so I cannot complain. And we have ten more mechanics than we had in 2015, so things are still busier than they used to be.
Mack sold every truck it could build this year by the end of February, we are selling any used truck we can get our hands on. We sell them before they have even been refurbished and repaired. We went from 2008 to 2016 without selling a single concrete mixing truck, we sold 8 between 2016 and now. At $275,000 a pop, you got to sell a lot of concrete to pay for that rig.

We having breakfast for supper tonight.
Good Morning OFC....Wake-n-bake Monday....Glad to hear some cool air is making it out West...it will trickle on in here by Halloween lol. Soon it will seem like home Keef...home with lots of cannabis growing. Good luck for Ms RE.. may the surgeons scalpel be true and the screws set firm. Today is up-pot day on the grow...canopy has exceeded the cups...some hobbies can get old but this one is never boring for me. Got a sample of Black Pearl burning in the bong ....not bad at all....considering it was growing this time last week.
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