Hi, I'm Stew

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Active Member
Jan 1, 2022
Reaction score
British Columbia
Hello fellow growers,

My name is Stew Maxwell and I like to grow weed. I am lucky enough to make my living by cultivating, researching, and writing about cannabis. I have been growing for awhile, I started in the swamps, then got a medical license in 2010, and started managing multi acre facilities in 2018.

I have always grown organically, and do not have any expertise with hydro systems.(Nothing against salts growers, just not my bag.)

The best thing about going legit is the people I get to work with. There are a lot of talented scientists and horticulturists that are able to work openly with the plant now that it has been federally legalized in Canada.

I currently work as a crop consultant. I prefer to work with craft growers under about an acre of canopy. I have clients here in BC as well as in Australia and Portugal. For my remote clients I mostly work on facility and cultural systems design, and licensure documentation (SOPs)

I started lurking on weed forums soon after they invented the internet, and they were a valuable early resource for me. I am here to learn about your pain points, to stay connected with my community, and contribute when useful.

Thank you for welcoming me here! I find this forum to be much friendlier and more respectful than some of the others out there. Please check out my bio if you want to learn more about my work.

Cheers! Stew
Glad to see you here Stew! Definitely someone we enjoy having around when we need some knowledge and feedback! Personally, I have met some great people on here that have more than happy to quench your thirst for knowledge! And if your like me, I love places like that! Enjoy!
Glad to see you here Stew! Definitely someone we enjoy having around when we need some knowledge and feedback! Personally, I have met some great people on here that have more than happy to quench your thirst for knowledge! And if your like me, I love places like that! Enjoy!
Thanks Stepheneking! I have passion!
Glad your hanging out with us brother.
I already read your Biography and even posted it on your other thread as you know
You have come to the right place my friend. The Passion is an awesome forum with lots of talented growers and ppl I call my friends.
Oh and lots of crazy bastards that like to have fun. Drop over to The Island Of Misfits Thread sometimes and meet the Gang.
hello Stew and welcome aboard

i hope none of us ever have to pick your brain for some ideas which would be an indication that our grows were doing great

but if anyone grows cannabis long enough , they will face some obstacles

worst problem I had to deal with was fusarium and I don’t know if there is a cure for that crap…….ive never seen a plant wilt and die so fast

does that fungus ever disappear?
Glad your hanging out with us brother.
I already read your Biography and even posted it on your other thread as you know
You have come to the right place my friend. The Passion is an awesome forum with lots of talented growers and ppl I call my friends.
Oh and lots of crazy bastards that like to have fun. Drop over to The Island Of Misfits Thread sometimes and meet the Gang.
Thanks Weedhopper! I look forward to popping by the Island of Misfits.
hello Stew and welcome aboard

i hope none of us ever have to pick your brain for some ideas which would be an indication that our grows were doing great

but if anyone grows cannabis long enough , they will face some obstacles

worst problem I had to deal with was fusarium and I don’t know if there is a cure for that crap…….ive never seen a plant wilt and die so fast

does that fungus ever disappear?
Hey Big Sur,
Obstacles are interesting. I am always encountering new issues that are difficult to diagnose.

Fusarium is a bitch indeed. If it is present in your outdoor soils there is no way to eradicate the pathogen. There are some strains with natural resistant traits, and you have to run them until you find them.

I have never had to deal with fusarium in my operations. I use a very biologically active suppressive soil. I would not be surprised if fusarium is present in small amounts in my soil, but it is suppressed by the microbial consortia.

Fusarium is a challenge for several hydro growers that I am aware of. I would try to treat with bioprotectants like Streptomyces lydicus (Actinovate) Tricoderma harzianum (Root Sheild) and various Bacillus variants.

I believe that all of these agents can suppress fusarium, but their effectiveness would depend on the strain of fusarium, soil conditions, and other factors.

If you want to take a deeper dive, my colleague Dr. Zamir Punja has authored multiple papers on this disease in cannabis.
Wow ! Outstanding ! Welcome aboard !
With the people we have in this group we could do a non-hostile takeover and sedate the world ...
hello Stew and welcome aboard

i hope none of us ever have to pick your brain for some ideas which would be an indication that our grows were doing great

but if anyone grows cannabis long enough , they will face some obstacles

worst problem I had to deal with was fusarium and I don’t know if there is a cure for that crap…….ive never seen a plant wilt and die so fast

does that fungus ever disappear?
Hey Big Sur,
Here is one of Zamir's papers that might interest you. It is more about the pathology of the disease than its management, but there are some important takeaways for growers. Epidemiology of Fusarium oxysporum causing root and crown rot of cannabis (Cannabis sativa L., marijuana) plants in commercial greenhouse production
Sorry Stew Hippie got out again and it was my turn to watch him, he is a GREAT Dude until he swims in his suds, and even then, he is a great dude LOL.


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