One more thing my seed has like just sprouted meaning the root coming out of the seeed is about 0.5 cm should i just take it out off the pot dig a hole where i want and put it in?
.5 cm is like what a quarter of an inch?? no i would wait till it gets about 1-2 inches tall then dig a hole wear you want it to be fill it with potting soil and transplant it make sure not to damage the roots!!
yeah for real the only time i would plant in a park is if i didnt live back in the woods then i would probly grow in my house but hey alot of people dont know what pot plants look like i have seen cops walk right past them lol and devious take a pic from far back so i can see what it looks like get a few pics if you can is it a big park little park lot of people?? just dont get busted by it i doubt any one will find it if you dont show you freinds and keep it to yourself it will probly never will befound sep by you lol peace ill be back in a few
yeah just make sure you dont break the steam of the plant or your screawed bend her down gently and gradualy thenthe plant wont grow straight up so it will be less noticeable
So i have to wait till my seed actually grows into a plant then i transplant it into the ground?.... Man your lucky you got the woods all we have here is houses.... *I wish i lived in the woods! lol*