so 2 of my 4 seeds have popped to some roots and planted them into soil this morning... for some reason my cuttlings have not grown any roots yet. today is 2 weeks since i've cut them. is that normal time for them to have not gotten any roots? i now have them in a tub with temps at 85-90 and humidity @ 100%. am i being a lil impatient? or are they just not gonna grow anything? mama plant is doing very well at the moment!!! i havent fed her in 4 days since i gave it some bat guano!!! im waiting to get down to the hydro shop to buy some ff big bloom nute and start the ff feed schedule. i'll get that this weekend and keep you you all posted!
whats up fellow growers.. so for the past week i got a real good update.. first my mama plant i transplanted to a bigger home(pot), there are couple pics that you could see. also, four of my six cuttlings have rooted and are now in a new soil home!!! one cut just wont make it, and i still have one sitting in water w/superthrive still. i got the ff organic soil this time so hopefully it'll make these babies a better turnout!!
when is a good time to feed my babies after i transplanted them?
when with nutes? how often? would my tub box that they are in, is that a good veg box till mama is done in 6 weeks to move them to that room?
Hey won1...looking good...clones can take a while..I know I have tried them all...but seeems to be 10-18 days for me...Do you use a dome?..I didnt see one...I use fox farm nutes..when I put my clones into the soil I start useing "BIG BLOOM" 1 TBL spoon/Gallon water..for the first two feedings and then fallow the soil schedual...Good luck my friend
dome? my tub has a lid i just have to open it to be able to take some pics. i have the ff big bloom and grow big. your saying to feed my clones with big bloom? wouldnt it use grow big?
Hey Friend...Happy Saturday....Do you have the Fox Farm feeding sched 4 soil?..It says cuttings and seedlings take 2 TBL per gallon water...I use 1 TBL..first week..2TBL..second week and then fallow chart in same fasion..start at 1/2% work up..I didn't see the Lid/Dome on your clones..But in order to photos you would need to remove it...After I have established roots...I plant the whole thing in 1 Gal pots be sure to have soil moist..I give them their last clone nute and have been watering and misting..Check out my GJ I just posted some nice looking clones at diffrent stages..Anyway Great Job and Keep it GREEN my Friend
thanks i do have the schedule and your right it does say that!! how often do i feed my clones? every 3 days? also, with my mama plant in flower would it be okay to use water and vinegar to bring the ph down? its sittin around 7.2-7.5.
the first 3 pics are of a clone that a friend gave me. it kinda looks like it was cut when it was in flower!! tiny growth has crystals and hairs(trichs i believe?). others are my 4 of 5 that are in soil. one is patiently taking its time. also with the new intake/exhaust i took from an old computer.
AND FINALLY my mama plant!!!!! shes looking great in my opinion.... cant wait till buds start growing! she's got some mighty colas!!!
one question??? now that shes in a larger pot how often do i feed? not the 2 inch rule anymore right? i finally got the big bloom.
so the last clone i waiting for finally rooted!!! yeaaaa!! so i know have 3 clones of my trainwreckXromulin and an unknown one that i traded with a friend for. of one my clones i transplanted to a bigger pot!! all is well though MP!!
hey thorn! question 4 ya? i just put my mama into a bigger pot and how often should i feed her? not the 2 inch rule right? and when would be best to feed when lights come on or before they go off?
I'djust let the soil dry until it feels dry through a couple of inches when you stick your finger into the soil then give her a nice long water and leave it to dry up again and repeat. I usually water near the end of the light on period or when their off so it allows the water time to soak into the soil before any heat of the light can evapourate it off. hope this helps
I havent posted in over a week, so lets look at what i got here....... my mama is in its 3 week i believe of budding!!! and its looking mighty tasty!!! buds aree comin in just right. and boy does she stink!!! check out the pics fellow growers!! any tips on how to help the smell? i am on a tight budget!
Looking very nice my friend. Nice work with those clones. You are well on your way. I wish you the best of luck with those ladies. Keep us posted on your progress. Take care and be safe.
:watchplant: :watchplant: So in roughly 3 weeks i will be choppin her down!!!!!! i wish i could bud longer but i have a feww waiting to be bloomed!!!! i fed her for the last time with nutes on flush her! should i give her one more? i built a new box in my closet for my vegging plants so i moved it all to one room finally!!!! my colas are lookin real nice. i was runnin kinda broke for a while and forgot to get the ff tiger bloom, but a friend said its okay just dont forget with your other ones!! he said to stop giving it nutes but i would like a second opinion? i fed her last with ff big bloom and phosphoload. i do plan to get cha ching in a couple of days when would be the right time to start that? take a look....... :watchplant::watchplant:
Hey wonareone1...Looking good my friend...If you are looking to harvest in three weeks I would plan on giving nutes maybe one more time...IMO I wouldnt use the Cha-ching on this did you diterming what nutes to use? I use all the nutes from fox farm on their sched..if I was to choose nutes I would use grow big in veg and big bloom and Beasty blooms in flower...Your friend is correct you can stop giving nutes and just feed water..And the last week befor chop don't water let the medium dry out..chop when lights come on..I noticed you have a moister reader in the soil..not recommended to leave in dirt this will ruin your tester faster..just my .2 More Green MOJO for you my friend