Here we go!!!!!

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wonare1one said:
no i dont have anything covering it. should I? the container i have them is a tupperware from my kitchen. would it be best if i put the lid on? i have this growth on the mama right around the stem that look like balls but just one roundish part? any clues on what? i know its a clone frome a female. is it possible to be a hermie?

Is she still in Veg? Can you clip it off?
yes im still in veg about 7-8 weeks. if i clip it i'll loose a nice healthy branch here's some pics



Hey won..hard to tell what it is ..I would keep an eye on it..Is it just the one? how many plants have this? Give it another week and post some pics again friend
It sounds like you are mistaking a female preflower for a male part, just my opinion without a better picture. Is there any way you can focus your camera on your questionable branch instead of behind your problem?
thats pretty mucg the best i can get it without being all blurry! so would it be best to send into flower now?
You don't have a focus button on the camera? When to send it into flower is up to you based on how big you want it to get. Remember it will probably double or even triple in size during flowering.
here's some photos 1 weeks exactly after i made my cuttlings! hey mal crane there's a close-up of the pic i put recently!! to me my plant is lookin GOLDEN!!!!!!!!!









Looks Good to me won1..That last that a ball sack?Thanks for the pics
thanks to you all that replied!! 4u2smoke i dont know what it is.. i posted that one for malcrane to let me know! someone told me it looks like pre-flower growth. i hope its not a male!!! its a clone from the local med shop so it shouldnt be. it was a xmas present from a friend and i dont think he would do that to me in fact i know he wouldnt!!!!!!!!! my cuttlings seem to be dryin out. i keep adding water w/superthrive to it but the leaves feel dry! there also is some green stuff that looks like moss in the water! should i change out the water in the container holding my cuts?
That last pic you put up looks like a female pre-flower to me, but I could be wrong. This girl is looking great for all she's been through. You need to keep fresh water for your clones and remember they like high humidity so keep a dome over them. If there is algae in the water, you may have too much standing water, also try keeping the clones further from the light, it will help to promote root growth and slow the growth of the algae in your water.
lookin good man! its hard to say what that is jus yet, but keep an eye out to see what it does. Hopefully its a female pre flower! When you gonna send her into flower??
i wanna send her into flower now but got some questions?? i dont have another space to put my clones in so if i change the light period for my mama would it affect my clones? it would right? i cant really tell if there are any roots on my clones to change them to soil yet. how could i tell if there are roots? if it has roots i should put them in soil right? the big leaves on the clones are starting to die and i heard that will happen!! i do have a big plastic container that i could place them in now that i think of it!!! if you look at my pics i have a little light fixture with 3500 lumens, would that be good enought to light my clones in?
so tonight i felt a lil greenthumbish and did a lil transforming of my grow!! i moved my cuttlings to a different box to stay on 24/7 light hopefully to get some roots growing. pics are up! i changed one of my bulbs in the floro to the orange spec to gradually introduce it to flowering for my mama plant!!! its about time i put it into flower!!!!! i will eventually change out both bulbs to the orange spec but i wanna slowly send it to flower. also to give me a chance to get the flower nutes that i dont have yet!! i also got four seeds from a recent quad i bought that i put into a wet towel in a bag that i put on top of my cable box to start. i will get another grow journal for that if they sprout. right now i have my mama plant at a 18/6 light schedule for 3 days and will change to 16/8 for 3 days, then to 14/10 for 3 days, then finally to 12/12 when second bulb is put in!!!!! i need some that green mojo to help my now 3 grows!!!!!!




wish ya luck, bro. :lama:

about that "ring" around the branch?... that's just the plant fortifying it's attatchment of the branch to the stalk.

I wouldn't put my mother into flower until I have at least 2 rooted clones transplanted into small pots. you will know they are rooted when you see the roots start to grow out of the peet pellets.

if your clones don't take for whatever reason, you still have a donor to take clones from.
thanks for the tip yo! i dont care if the clones grow or not. well i do but it doesnt matter really. its my first grow and i could just get a clone from my buddy that grows a plant just to get clones from! anyone have any idea when to start feeding my mama some bat guano? thats the only thing i have til i get the funds and get down to the hydro shop to buy some bloom nutes. i plan to flower for 8 weeks as i vegged since DEC 25th, roughly 9 weeks, give or take a little! i will definatly keep you all posted on my flower period!!!!! wish me luck and send some of that green mojo!!
give the bat quanno right away... it's a vegging nute, and your girl is not very big at all, nor does it look like a larger grower, so I would let it veg for a couple more weeks, myself. you will deff increase yeild.
i think i will continue to vegg in that box from now on!! but i'm not sure if its large enough! but, i love the discreet look!!!!!

i have a question to ask.... will transplanting my mama to a larger pot put her through some stress? if so would i ruin my flower period? i kinda wanna put her in a larger pot thats why i ask!

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